Wednesday, August 31, 2016
I want all men to offer prayers everywhere.They should raise hands in prayer after putting aside their anger and any quarrels they have with anyone. (1st Timothy chapter 2:verse 8.)
Taken from God's word translation of the Holy Bible.These words given by the Holy Spirit to Paul the Apostle.It can be very hard to do this,unless we are prayed up,and studying our Bibles.If our hearts are focused on Jesus and not men.
A prayer: I will put aside quarels and pray instead.I will lift my hands when i plead with you.Amen.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Did you ever hear of anyone being very much used of Christ who did not have some special waiting time,some complete upset or all his or her plans? (FRANCES RIDLEY HAVERGAL)1836-1879.
This was a very godly women who wrote songs...Christian songs,in Great Britain about the same time as Fanny Crosby was writing songs in America. This precious lady did all this while she was very sick.Sick most all her life.I have not known very much sickness until the last 3 years of my life. The lord has blessed me by allowing me to find a church Home,this late in life.I am active there,and much of the time not feeling very well as i am of service.In my little church i know several who have illnesses and they are Faithful 3 or more times a week.My feeling is,how blessed the Lord has made me. He did not have to.It is important that i continue to serve the Lord right up to the time He takes me Home.My prayer is that some soul is impacted in a great way,by how he uses me.As the Apostle Paul said in most of his letters to the churches,"We give thanks always for you all,making mention of you in our prayers.Remembering without ceasing your work of faith,and labor of love,and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ,in sight of God and our Father.(Thessalonians chapter 1:verses 2 and 3). Verse 4...Knowing brethren beloved your election of God.We are chosen of God to labor in love with Him,so lost souls can repent and be redeemed.My Prayer: Heavenly Father,draw all men to you,through your Holy Spirit,as we labor for your gospel...good news.Amen.
Friday, August 19, 2016
TODAY I AM OVERWHELMED to bring to the attention of those unbelievers otherwise known as atheist.Atheist are monolithic,as well as Christians. Most likely,far as i know Islam is NOT! They are polytheist,one of many gods. As far as i know,Christianity,Islam,and Atheism have since the beginning of their existence have proven changes can creep in. Otherwise known as being Heretical.Atheist like to say they believe in nothing. But they lie.The belief in nothing,is still a belief.It is the belief in themselves ,thus qualifying them as a religion. I know they hate that but it is the Truth.Islam on the other hand,as i understand it came from the belief in the so called Moon god.Further study on that issue is needed by me.I do know that they do not believe Christ to be the son of god,yet they believe he lived. Somewhat like Gnosticism that crept into the early Church in Colosse Oh well i will move onto my point.The Preeminence of Christ!
The book of Colossians chapter 1:verses 15,16,17. Who is the image of the invincible God,the first born of every creature:For by Him were all things created,that are in Heaven and that are in earth,invisible,whether they be thrones,or dominions,or principalities or powers;all things were created by Him and for Him.And He is before all things,and by Him all things consist.No Christ was not a prophet,or an emissary only in charge of earthly material things.He is the son of God that taketh away the sins of the world.The Lord placed this on my heart to tell everyone,Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Heavenly Father unless its through Him.I could write all day on all the False religions of the world,and all the False doctrines being spread throughout Christianity in the 21st century.Yet i am gonna close with an invite to unbelievers,to accept Christ as your personal redeemer...and No other! MY PRAYER:HEAVENLY FATHER,IN JESUS NAME REMIND ALL MANKIND,THAT THE BLOOD SHED BY CHRIST ON THE CROSS,WAS THE ONLY ATONEMENT FOR SIN IN THE WORLD.SHOW US THAT CHRIST IS IN YOU,AND YOUR ARE IN HIM,AND WE CAN BE IN HIM AND HE IN US.I LOVE YOU AND PRAISE YOU HEAVENLY FATHER. DRAW ALL LOST MEN TO YOU.AMEN(SO BE IT)
Monday, August 15, 2016
Speaking of this as he does in all of his letters.There are some things in those {epistles of Paul}that are difficult to understand,which the ignorant and unstable twist and misconstrue to their own destruction,just as {they distort and misinterpret}the rest of the scripture.Let me warn you therefore,therefore beloved,that knowing these things beforehand,you should be on your guard,lest you be carried away by the error of lawless and wicked {persons and}fall from your own{present}firm condition{your own steadfastness of mind}But grow in grace(undeserved favor,spiritual strength )and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the Messiah).To Him be the glory(honor,majesty,and splendor)both now and to the day of eternity..Amen (so be it)
These words are from the book of 2nd Peter chapter 3: verses 16,17,18.They pretty well declare some sad facts that all Christians need to beware of.TV evangelism,today in America has more of these twisted sermons than not. I am sometimes ask,what i think of this preacher,or that preacher. In one mans case, has millions of followers,and they waste their dollars on his False ,feel good preaching!! Yes i said it. He had me strung along for awhile,puzzled about How could a man stand in front of millions,never hardly ever teach the truth of Gods Word,then insult the Words in the letters written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,and written down by the apostles.This man made it clear he thought the Apostles should repent of their Words concerning the homosexual lifestyle.This is living proof that an ignorant TV. evangelist,can twist the Words of God so bad,(for profit)distort the true Gospel.The Apostle Peter just warned us of this kind of teaching.Their own destruction is coming.....according to the apostle Peter! vs.16.From such as these turn away,flee as far as you can.They are FAKE and they will lead you into Hell with Them.The Bible clearly teaches,let these people be accursed.PSALM 19:7...MY FRIENDS,IS PERFECTLY CLEAR.The law of the Lord is perfect,reviving the soul;the testimony of the Lord is sure,making wise the simple.The Word of God,and the testimony of Prophets,in the old Testament,the apostles in the New,does not preach a life of tons of money,material wealth,etc. like these unstable men and women on Tv.preach! Find you a local Bible believing church and help it survive.Go there and just sit if you wish,soak up the real Christian fellowship,and hear the real Word of God.Stop wasting your dollars making some preacher rich.A real man of God is worthy of His hire.Most Tv. preachers are not worthy of one penny.They should be ashamed.Tithe and help keep these lights on,heat and air,ministries within the local church.My prayer:Heavenly Father ,this morning i worship you and only you. I realize suffering comes from being born again.False feel good preachers teach False doctrine.Father,open the eyes of the millions being deceived.Draw them to you. They must repent,yet some tv preachers preach money and wealth,never mentioning the word repent.I love you Father,in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord i pray. AMEN(so be it)
Saturday, August 13, 2016
No faking it......
The authority of the Holy Scripture,for which it ought to be believed,dependeth not upon the testimony of any man or church,but wholly upon God(who is truth itself)the author therof;therefore it is to be received because it is the word of God.(2 peter :1:19-21......2 Tim.3:16;...Thess.2:13.....John 5:9)
This is from the London Baptist Confessions 1689.Article 1.4
My prayer: Heavenly Father i believe the Holy Bible to be your infallible Word. Written and directed by your Holy Spirit.Please use it today,to the people our church visited this morning.Use it to inspire the ones that delivered that message.Draw all men all over this world to you.Nobody faking it.I love you Father,in Christ name AMEN(So be it)
This morning in America,i am about to teach on a city in and around what is now Greece.
I am not a History professor,yet i know enough to give you experts on the area some idea
of where i am talking about. Philippi the city.In Bible days was Macedonia!!!
The apostle Paul went there with a group of other apostles to preach the Gospel.There were no synagogues there,so they went out by a river where they encounter a group of women. Paul began to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to these women. One of them for sure we know,was saved,and members of her household. They were then baptized.She invited them in to stay at her house. They did.Then the women(LYDIA)used her home to launch Christianity throughout Europe.The man with the strange name,(E-PA-PHRO-DITUS),God bless him in eternity forever.....i want to meet him someday in Heaven,and thank him for delivering this letter to Philippi from the apostle Paul.I cannot wait to see Lydia this GREAT women of God,who believed and help launch Christ message around the world.The New Testament book of Philippians is definitely a letter(or book)an EXULTATION,,,A JOY,AN EXHILARATION....TO THE SOUL OF EVERY CHRISTIAN,BORN AGAIN PERSON!
The book of Philippians was written by the apostle Paul from prison in Rome after his visit and experiences in Philippi.This man with strange name had delivered offerings to Paul from this church.Then Epaphroditus returned to Phillipi with this letter from Paul.
I encourage all people to read the 4 chapters of the book Philippians and let God bless you with his SHEKINAH GLORY.My prayer: Dear Heavenly Father....draw ALL mankind to you through your Holy Spirit.Amen!!!(so be it)
Friday, August 12, 2016
Shekinah GLORY! This is of course the term used to describe the settling of the devine presence of God.
As i read and pray to my heavenly Father, i note his Spirit leading me to say ,pray,teach more and more. To seek His face and desire for my life moving forward.He wants all of us to know who He is. To stop chasing false gods,or living by rules we have made up in our heads.Imaginations of our own!Seek God as in (JEREMIAH CHAPTER 29:13).WHEN YOU EDGE CLOSER AND CLOSER TO Him,his Glory will descend on your soul,in a way no person can explain.This is a short blog,but an important one.In the book of Mark,the lord himself ask the scared disciples why were they so timid,and fearful?(chapter 4 of Mark,verse 40)
After all they were with Him.Are you with Him? Do you search His word everyday,every night? Do you regard Him,and His word? If not,then fear will grip you when unexplained things come your way.I happens to me.Imagine if the men on that boat with Jesus,(when the storm came)had of left Him alone,reached out to Heaven and cried out.....Father in Heaven,your Son is on this boat,save us... for His sake.Just thinking...! I don't believe He would have called them faithless. Maybe the Shekinah glory would have descended on those men. My prayer: Heavenly Father,always point me to you by your Shekinah Glory.For Christ sake...Amen.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Freaks? You betcha.
Not in your own strength)for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you (energizing and creating in you the power and desire),both to will and to work
For His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight.(PHILIPPIANS CHAPTER 2:VERSE 13)
GOD himself always at work in believers creating in us our passion for Him.He gives us the power to do What He wills.And just think,how right they are,which call us Jesus freaks.Thank you so much for the
Compliment.The validation.My prayer: Heavenly Father,i praise you for being Holy,sinless,and yet you take the time to energize me,and work your will through me.
Draw all men to you so they can see how much you love us all! AMEN...So be it)
Sunday, August 7, 2016
And the Lord turned the Captivity of job and restored his fortunes, when he prayed for his friends; also the lord gave job twice as much as he had before. References Deuteronomy 30 verses one through three Psalm 126 verses 1 & 2. I am reading right now from The Book of Job chapter 42. Then There came to him all his brothers and sisters and all who had known him before and they ate bread with him in his house and they sympathized with him and they comforted him over all the distressing calamities that the Lord has brought upon him Everyman also gave him a piece of money and every man and earing of gold. And the Lord blessed the latter days of job more than his beginning for he had fourteen thousand sheep 6 thousand camels 1000 yoke of oxen and 1000 female donkeys reference John chapter 1 verse 3. He also had seven sons and three daughters. And in all the land there were no women so fair as the daughters of Job and their father gave them inheritance among their brothers. After this job lived one hundred and forty years and saw his sons and his son son's, even into four generations. So Job died an old man and full of days. Reference the book of James chapter 5 verse 11.Oh my goodness ALL this blessing started when job prayed for his friends.Oh....under conviction i become.After all my pain,years of struggle,all the years of waste of Gods time! Or was it! After all the testing,i finally see things Gods way,Worship him for being My God and Father....pray for others beside me,then God pours out blessings to my soul,like never before.He gave me more years,as well as discernment of scripture.This story of job,is awesome.Yet we can be jobs as well.Wonderful children,finances,food,drink,and church family.Blessings.My prayer:Heavenly Father,I read about this righteous man,and i see a Wonderful Holy God,with Bountiful Mercy. Raise up Godly men and women to show all the people that are listening and watching what it's like to serve such a merciful holy God. Draw all men unto you by your Holy Spirit.( Amen So be it.)
Friday, August 5, 2016
The book of Isaiah,chapter 17:verses 1 and 2.Good righteous men,merciful devout men are taken from us sometimes and taken thru wickedness.The Bible says no one considers why! They are taken to avoid the coming evil and calamity.The Bible says they rest in their beds....each one.Tonight...listen up,keep ur eyes upon Jesus,and regardless,you will be at peace.I hurt in my body everyday,all day and night.Yet i have a peace that surpasses all understanding! Regardless of how you leave this earth...make sure its with Jesus.My Prayer:My Heavenly Father,i adore you,you are Holy and Supreme! The only true God.I believe everyword you say.There is no one,nothing likened unto you.Tonight i declare its all about you! Thank you Father for loving me,saving me,drawing me to you! (AMEN)So be it)
The poor and the needy are seeking water when there is none;their tongues are parched with thirst.I the Lord will answer them; I,the God of Israel,will not forsake them.(Isaiah chapter 41:verse 17) These are awesome words.People all over the world are thirsty for truth,something honest to believe in.They are desparate for actual relief.In this passage,It was talking about Israel.Yet it is the same God.God made a new covenant with man,And it says that if you hunger and thirst for righteuosness,u will find it in Jesus.This promise from this book,applies the same.He will not forsake us.Verse 9 says this is for those He has taken, (or called) and He says to FEAR NOT!Be not dismayed He says,for He is our God! (Verse 10)My prayer:My Heavenly Father...i trust you for all my needs,and i trust you to draw all men to you,and i commit your own words
To you.That ur words will not return to you void.These are your words my Lord.In Jesus name,the one who has redeemed me thru his blood.Amen. (so be it):
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