Tuesday, June 1, 2021


 Sin in the garden to exactly as it were in the days of Noah. Congratulations. Killings and homosexuality are rampant. The one country that was founded upon judeo-christian values, is who I'm talkin about. In my very quick 6 and 1/2 + 3 decades my nation has spun completely around from the way it was founded. Our leaders in government do not even care what is happening. They actually encourage it. Sin has become dominant in our culture. our schools are beginning to teach our children that its okay.

In the sixth chapter of the book of Genesis beginning with verse 5.... And the God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the Earth and that every imagination of thoughts all of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart. In verse 7 the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the Earth both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air for it repenteth me that I ever have made them...Brought to you by the Kings James version of the Bible. And let me make this brief statement ,I have already mentioned this in earlier paragraphs if God felt this way about mankind before the flood imagine what he feels like now. You see now he has sent his son to die on the cross be ,beaten and tortured, nailed to a cross died then rose again so we can be redeemed back to him. Yet man continues in every way 2 do evil think evil speak know evil ...! Now we have the mercy of a savior and still the majority of men and women refuse to honor him love him and worship him. I know everybody knows this, but one day soon there will be an accountability for all of this, and we need to be reminded. If you love someone, truly love someone, you will find a way to warn them. I have no hate in my heart but I fear for those who do not take this serious, those that love the sins they commit better than they love the idea of avoiding hell

Can you actually afford to pretend you did not believe? I think not. Amen so be it.