Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Where is your heart!

We must work for the necessities of life. And I know it. I have lived in survival mode my entire life. But upon owning very nice possessions I increasingly realized that if I perish they would be worthless to me.I must depend on God to provide. I must love Him with all of my heart and all of my soul and all of my mind. For the first time in my life I long to hear his words preached. I realize my nothingness without Jesus. Everything I have my very breath he's all in his hands.My being able to help provide for myself, in extreme chronic pain is nothing less then the working of my heavenly Father. I'm aware when I approach his throne many times in the course of a day He has never failed me not once. I try to pray even for the desires of my heart as long as they are in his will. Now you may ask how do I know what his will is. It is in the words of the Holy Bible. That is God's word to us. He does not have special Revelations 2 people. I am deeply saddened that there are so many people and I come in contact with daily many of which I have met several times that do not have faith in Christ. I've talked to many who have what I call, off the wall Belief's. Please do not sit at home becoming anxious, wondering about your existence. The answers are in the scriptures. Most of my ideas in this blog are from the 12th chapter of the book of Luke. Read the entire chapter and put your faith in Christ. None of us know how long we're going to be here, nor how we will die, or should I say how we will leave this earth. I'm exhausted at this moment, I've been so busy that my heart yearns for the words of my living God. Pray for me that I will give what is you to my Lord. I understand that I gave everything I wouldn't be in existence. But I assure you God knows what each of us are in need of. I pray that those that read this I will be with him and Christ in heaven one day. God is a loving and merciful God. I'm not worthy to even be in existence, but He had other ideas. Here are some things that are in the 12th chapter of Luke. Beginning wiz warnings and encouragement verses 1 through 12. Then you have warnings against greed. Chapter 12 versus XIII through 21. Then something millions of people suffer with anxiety. Chapter 12 verses 22 + 23 anxiety versus face let's change that to chapter 12 verse 22 through 34. I realize that a lot can be said about how to be saved. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus said to call on the name of Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Meaning you must be sorry for your sins and brought low because you do not love the fact that you sin. Thinking on that subject can cause anxiety but if you read the word of God you will become closer to him and understanding Him. Remember it is a fatal mistake to look upon a man's life as consisting all the abundance of his possessions. At this point I will go to bed. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit Will convict the hearts of those filled with unbelief and when he convinced them I will get on their knees and pray to The only living God to save them and have mercy. It's not about just coming down front shaking hands with a pastor and some Deacons. You must have remorse for your sin. The closer you get to God the more you will hate your sin. We cannot hang on to it I expect any real move of God to save us. May God bless and good night.