Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A SHORT POST.SO MANY MILLENIALS NOT BEING TAUGHT the Founders of our nation in a correct way.It was the founders who said all rights Come from Our creator and we know They were not referring to atheism.So with that being said We know that God says to practice homosexuality,is an abomination.And to not practice that custom.Also marriage between a man and women was the way God created it.God says it defiles a nation,and its people.And it does.I pray the lord he will visit the supreme court to warn them.Do not defile Gods commands....and stick ur nose in what he perfectly created.That would open up the prospect that God may severely Judge The USA.This is hate.Hate of a dreadful disgusting sin.Not the sad souls that practice it.These horrible leaders think they are getting one over in The Heavenly Father.They better read up.This has happened before.And God always judges this behaviour.Teach ur children what God says about it.

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