Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Good morning this morning.The book of 1st kings. Chapter 17 verses 17 thru 24. There are a couple verses here that stand out in my heart this morning.verses 18 and 22 and you can if you will add verse 24 as well. Verse 17 shows us that even in the world of elijah the prophet ,with all his dominant preaching,there were those around him trying to paint him as mean and judgemental.(verse 18) This verse throws accusations of finger pointing and even murder.Elijah prayed over this womens dead son,even layed on him 3 times asking the lord had he brought evil to this womens son.Oh but look what happened. The 22nd verse says the sweetest words a man can possibly hear. The Lord heard the voice of Elijah.He put the boys soul back in him again. Then in verse 24 then the women said by this that she has seen, she now believed the words coming from Elijahs mouth was the word of the Lord. Was Elijah mean? Should he be a perfect example according to mans opinion? Should he perform miracles constantly? Does this mean he runs his mouth about the power of God,or repentance way to much? Absolutely not! The lost souls in the world need to know the full council of the AlMIGHTY GOD WE SERVE,and preach about.He is both judgemental and full of MERCY.He is both Holy and reasonable.In modern times the message and attacks on Gods people are the same as always.Always will be as long as this world we live in exist. Elijah proves that regardless of miracles,messages,or friendship,those who love their sins,refuse to repent,just will not believe. Except! The Holy Spirit draws them through conviction.Today we have many False teachers,teaching many False doctrines...fooling even the elect.Preachers leading flocks repeating things they have read in books written by men who want to prove or disprove certain doctrinal beliefs.Why do i mention this? Because to use a phrase from the letters of the apostle Paul.......much of these so called doctrinal books i feel very strongly that they are NOT profitable for the Gospel.I use what i call the Biblical smell test.A true believer,washed in the blood believer,can smell out rotten doctrines. They also search the inspired word of God....the Holy bible and check things out. Today we think we are so smart. We now think we can read the mind of God. This means we no longer need to spend so much time praying. We think we don't need to consult God and ask his HOLY SPIRIT to teach us because we now are able to print articles declaring our superior knowledge to be the way it is.Wow!Pastors,preachers do not be tossed around by every wind and doctrine. Google that and i want have to qoute every single chapter and verse.We are getting so much smarter than God that we are redifining what faith is,redefining the state of ISRAEL,and trying to be argumentative over the rapture.WOW! My earnest advice is is 2 gets!!!!!! Get back on your knees and get back to the fundmentals of scripture. READ AND BELIEVE things the apostles clearly warned against. I see an explosion of Bible prophesy being fulfilled. One is that in the last days men would not be able to endure sound doctrine.Its everywhere. Listen up my pastors and teachers. Stop bashing the KJV. by saying either you can't understand it,or its to weak. Then turn around and study and preach from notes you took from a Greek/HEBREW STUDY Bible.And to top it all off the great majority of your congregation goes and purchases all the revised american,international,versions of scripture.My gosh men......wake up. Thats pure nosensense! If you cannot read the enemies books without falling from grace....then put them down,go back to using the Holy Spirit to guide you. Heads up......way to much oneupmanship going on in the pulpit.Just like the world.Trying to explain away every single thing you think God means.Genesis through revelation......KJV backwards to the original written scriptures. Do ya know how a bunch of ignorant un learned fishermen understood Gods intent? The Holy Spirit! Ya want to know what God told Moses when moses told God he was not articulate enough. (not a good speaker)? He told him i God......will speak through you. Not in those exact words but you get the meaning. Stop acting....intelligent. PUT prioritys in order. So many radio talk shows claiming to be christians.......blasting out how to raise ur familes,spend your money blah blah blah blah. Most of the people listening are lost. The God the all fire consuming God of Elijah is alive today.I tell you.That fire is, the comforter, the Holy Spirit. Read his words....his expositors,get that fire in your belly and see what people will do.That was pulled out of the 18th chapter of 1st Kings.verses 39 thru 41.Preachers......again.....Hear me ,o lord hear me.should be on your lips every day .verse 37 of chapter 18,1st Kings.AND THEN YOU WILL HEAR HIM!!!!!!!!! note: im not saying don't study,im saying be careful.....use the smell test.

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