Wednesday, January 6, 2016


The following is taken from the Holy Bible.The book of Matthew chapter 24 verses 42 and 43. Watch therefore{give strict attention,be cautious an active}for you do not know in what kind of day{whether a near or remote one]your LORD Is coming.But understand this:had the householder known in what[part of the night,whether in a night or a morning]watch the thief was coming,he would have watched and would not have allowed his house to be undermined and broken into.Add verse 44. You must be ready therefore ,for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not expect Him. Okay then.Work for a living.....God made it that way at the fall of man into disobedience. So you will do it,like it or not.Just remember when you go to church,it is for worship of the Lord. Not worship of ourselves.So when you work at organized church,stop trusting so much in men,and turn it over to The Lord. SERIOUSLY! I must say this as a testimony,that for the past 55 years of my life,regardless of what was going on in my life,not a day went by that the Lord and eternity were not on my mind.Even when i was in disobedience to my Lord.The spoke to my heart when i was but 8 years old. I did not know what that warm secure feeling was coming from. I just knew that it was real.4 years later i finally responded to his warm secure invite.I have been shamefully in and out of church over all these years,but i must say The Lord was never in and out with me.And now i know why. He promised to never leave me,He said He was faithful and just.And He most certainly is.So....are you really watching for His return. Since i know him,i know He is coming.In every thing we do ,honor God as best you can muster up with in you to do.

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