Monday, February 29, 2016


Good afternoon on what looks to be a spring day. Very nice.But regardless the issue of the human spirit still is number one.So much evil and so much strange weather.Wars and rumors of wars.The book of Matthew chapter 24 tells the story in more detail.So so much of whats in this chapter is happening already.The one thing that says it all,and upsets me the most,yet gives me some comfort through explanation,is the 12th verse.Read it...... And because iniquity shall abound ,the love of many shall wax cold.This one subject is at the very heart of the breakup of the American home.Atheism grows and makes people selfish all about themselves.Its a religion all its on.The belief in oneself.The belief man can do all things. And i agree,that includes creating all the perilous times we have to endure.The best times to hear God,and to study him,and talk to him,are times like i have right at this moment.Our leaders in government do not lead us in this direction.In fact most never include God in their decisions and when they are elected they do as they please.Seems to be no sympathy for those in pain. No one wishes to hear about it.People love their sins,therefore their love for others waxes cold.Only a serious attempt to communicate with the Lord will begin to head us in the right direct.When we repent the Holy Spirit will show us our lack of love.Study this one tiny verse,dwell on it,memorize it,because it can transform your opinion of why people treat each other the way they do. Then pray for each other.

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