Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Words like regenerate or Justified or sanctified where did they disappear to? When we accept Christ atonement for our sins.. We are immediately Justified accepted into the family of God once again. The word regenerate can mean many things but it's very clear biblically speaking it can be considered the process of becoming a different person after receiving Christ into our hearts. But for sure the word sanctified is not mentioned very much in the Pulpit today. It's that long and I say lifelong process where the Holy Spirit, God himself struggles with us, battles with us, wrestles with us strives with us, to make us Holy to set us apart. When God created man, he was perfect and always sinless, obedient but he was indeed given orders by the Father himself. When Adam and Eve sinned the curse of death both human and eternal was placed upon their life. This places a greater understanding of how much Mercy the Lord actually has bestowed upon us.We trust his blood sacrifice,and immediately we are counted as righteous,even though we are not! It places a greater neaning to "For God so loved the World". At the moment of acceptance of His new covenant,the regeneration process begins.The sanctification process begins. To make us more like him, to eventually be Holy as He, just like in the beginning with Adam and Eve.Rom ans 4:5,the first 3 chapters of Genesis,2 Corinthians 5:19,Romans 5:12.Romans 3:25,Psalm 32:1-2,Matthew 12:37,Romans2:13.Have you ever heard the phrase"Be patient with me,Gods not finished with me? Well,there is much truth to that.The popular attack today by the unrepentant crowd,is,"Don't judge me"Merely repeating Gods warnings and definitions of sin,is not what the scripture refers to as judgement.The scripture refers to the term brother,when speaking of judgement.Think about it! Someone gets saved,then immediately,the entire world ,other believers as well begin to attack this new convert as if he was suppose to be suddenly sinless and perfect.People should be more concerned about their souls and where they will spend eternity.Have they accepted Gods payment for their souls.The Lord is begging us to come BACK to him.We now have no excuse not to let him sanctify us as we were in the beginning.He is at every mans hearts door knocking.I ask him into my life 51 years ago,and he is still working on making me like him,more and more.Many of those years i separated myself from the Lord,by not praying enough,or spending time in the Bible. I am in it much more now,but He is still not finished with me.My prayer: Father,thank you for never giving up on me,Forgive me my sins daily,as i forgive others their sins.Keep drawing me to you....where i always belong.Amen.Bless you for reading.

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