Friday, September 2, 2016


Modest sober,silent,and submissive,as becomes their place. Why? The Bible says Adam was first formed,then Eve out of him.The Bible says she was made for Him to be a help-meet for Him.Her desire shall be for her husband,and he shall rule over thee.(GEN. 3:16) Adam was first formed,then Eve out of him.Observe this is the order set up by God Himself.In these days of so called liberation,this scripture is very much hated.I have witnessed myself,female preachers who loathe the apostle Paul for writing such a thing.Something i have always said is that i never enjoyed ruling over any Yet i am positive that Women are used and are to be used of God to spread the gospel.God is very orderly.Because of our sin thru Adam,both sexes have been punished.This same man,the Apostle Paul,is the same man who directs men to love their wives as Christ loves the Church,and gave himself for it.It is not Gods fault we sin. That Eve was deceived and Adam followed her lead.But look what a mess has been made.This is probably one of the hardest subjects for me to talk about.But who am i to go against the word of God.I will say also that we as Christians can do or say things that adversely affects our testimony,and yet God WILL find a way to use us regardless,as long as we repent. My prayer: Dear Lord my Father,i ask that you shine your glory on this scripture.After all...its your word. It is your battle.Amen.

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