Tuesday, March 7, 2017


Understanding,the Lord and his purpose for us,is given by the Holy Spirit,more and more as we dig into his Word.The Carnal side of a man,does not know this.Trust is something we battle with. As we realize how much man cannot be trusted,we must learn to Ttust Jesus.This is not a natural thing to do.Often i have in the course of my life,felt the need to believe the old saying"The Lord helps those that help themselves" Well...what about when we cannot help outselves? When we find ourselves in situations we had no power over,or did not bring  on ourselves?I promise you,He said ,He (Christ)would never forsake us.I truthfully can say,despite
Myself,He never has.Even when was taking
Care of myself.Yet i am still learning to lean.
As the song says,Learning to lean on Jesus.My prayer:Heavenly Father,give me much grace,as i learn to Trust you more.Amen.

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