Monday, July 31, 2017


Amos never wanted to Speak for God. Who was Amos?  He was one of the Minor Prophets. Not least important but the one least likely to be a Prophet if left up to most people. He was a sheep herder and a pruner of trees. When he was led by the Lord to speak,he bypassed all the crowds and went directly to the ruling class of the time,and shouted out that the nation of Israel had forgotten God's law. They were following false gods and had developed religious ceremonies that had become a other words they were practicing  ceremonies presenting things that were not real,or true.Other words used are bogus or just plain false. Amos called out for fairness in dealing with righteousness (AMOS 5:24). "But let judgement run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream"How does this relate to us today? Tons of churches going away from clear Bible doctrine,and making up their own. Conducting types of worship services that are just plain disrespectful to the way our Lord should be worshiped. Drawing huge crowds to listen to carnal songs with props,and then preaching some sort of message wrapped around the words and beat of the music. All designed to draw huge crowds and raise huge amounts of money. I am sure the Lord is not pleased with unrepentant,lets all feel good worship. No message of repentance, being accountable for our actions etc.I know its not popular,but hey....God never promised us it would be.Jesus is love,but he is also the one who will judge the world for it's sin. This is why we must talk to Him(Pray) and let him talk to us (read the Holy Bible). Do all this and never cease. The Lord God of Armies should be reverence in a way that shows we are preparing to meet Him.Look at just how stubborn  people can be while protecting the sin in their hearts and the 11th verse of the 4th chapter of Amos. "I DESTROYED SOME OF YOU AS I DESTROYED SODOM AND GOMORRAH. YOU WERE LIKE A BURNING LOG SNATCHED FROM A FIRE.  AND STILL YOU DIDN'T RETURN TO ME,DECLARES THE LORD. The point of all this is the God i serve controls all the elements of the universe i live in. I owe Him the respect he deserves when He calls me from my shameful life i came from. I had Faith in Christ,but was not aware He had anything for me to do. I had to repent then seek his will for my life,then just obey Him. This is what Little nobody (so we thought) Amos did.  God called Him and he did as he was told.You can to.

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