Tuesday, August 15, 2017


The Lord likes visions? Lets see,no man has seen God and that fact is made clear in many scriptures.Now in visions the Lord spoke and directed his commands to many men.(Acts chapter 9 )The wonderful story of Saul's conversion and then His great sendoff into his ministry for Christ.A scared believer Ananias in Damascus was called of God,and Ananias answered "i am here Lord" After that the Lord told him what to do,and believe me it was a scary request,he began to tell the Lord what the Lord already knew.Saul had rendered havoc on the church,causing it to scatter abroad.Saul jailing many Christians and consenting to the death of many.Now Ananias was asked to go and enquire of Saul of Tarsus.When he found Him he told him that Jesus had sent him to give him back his eye sight,and fill him with the Holy Ghost.What a glorious moment in the History of the church.This man Saul was renamed Paul and he is responsible for the writing of 13,and most believe 14 books of the New Testament.
Many souls were saved under his ministry,many preachers teachers ,deacons,evangelist were launched into the world by this mans ministry. Yet remember in the beginning he was not so readily  accepted,do to his past. I cannot help myself but to see that in our world today,so many hold our past  against us for a lifetime. Listen up....when Jesus forgives us,He forgives us.Regardless of what men may think. If we repent and believe Jesus may very well begin to use us or at least start preparing us for what he wants us to do.It will be the Holy Spirit that accomplishes it.Listen to Him and not men.When we do we can say just as the Bible says Paul did. He went straight way preaching Christ in the synagogues that He is the Son of God. Pray that God's Holy Spirit will give us courage that we desperately need to see people saved before time runs out for them.Amen.

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