Friday, September 1, 2017


Jesus ask a woman of Samaria for a drink of water and the women told Him if he knew who he was asking for the water He would ask someone else. Well to be exact she was more direct than that. She flat out told Him she was a Samaritan and He (Jesus) being a Jew was not suppose to have any dealings with Samaritans. Jesus then very quickly told her that if she knew who was asking her and the gift of God,she would have ask Him and He would have given her living water. (John chapter 4:verses 7 thru 10.) In this world of ours do you think there are people who have never heard about this living water that if you drink of it,you shall never thirst again? Salvation is what Christ is offering here. Eternal water for your souls that will perfectly satisfy, which means you will need not seek for soul satisfaction ever again. Perhaps if the writers of the song "I can't get no satisfaction" knew about the gift of God Christ was speaking of here in the 10th verse of the book of John they would not have written the song. Millions and millions to this day chant the words of this song,why???  Because they can identify. Be born again (Romans 6:23). Jesus the Son of God,guarantees you that you will eternally be satisfied. This water will always be there for you to drink of. I know from personal experience. Come join us. My Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father,Draw all those that can't get satisfaction,to you,through your Holy Spirit. AMEN(SO BE IT).

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