Saturday, March 31, 2018


Today i have been studying about how Demonic influences can be recognized. While i am not yet finished,and i am not a great authority on the subject,i feel since being a Christian i need to think on the subject.Many reading this may already have seen such influences.Our Lord Jesus Christ had an encounter with such a person filled with a demon.Yes in church Jesus immediately was confronted by this Man who ask him his business there.Mark chapter 1:verses 23 and 24 shows us that this that the demon knew who Jesus was,and wished to know if Jesus was there to destroy them. I am not sure if the Demon was referring to the entire congregation,or if he mean't that there were many demons.Probably many demons. The man interrupted the service to shout this at Jesus. Another time Jesus came down from the mount of Transfiguration(MARK 9:17-18,20,22). Christ was confronted by a man who presented Jesus with his son who had a dumb spirit which seizes the son and dashes him down to the ground,and the son foams at the mouth grinds his teeth and becomes rigid. When the unclean spirit sees Jesus it immediately convulsed the boy,and he fell to the ground foaming at the mouth and rolling around on the ground. Points to notice......#1..All these demons know Jesus and have no doubt about who he is.  #2.. Demons and those they posse are not afraid to cause disruption in church. #3.. This causes me to reflect on the many demonic attacks,some aggressive, in our lives when we are sincerely serving  the Lord. We must pray and ask the Lord to rebuke such attacks on us. But it also makes me realize that we can expect this activity to occur. I also think that if we are already lack luster in our servitude to Jesus, Satan and his army are not concerned with us. Trust Christ, be of great Faith,and put on the whole armour of God and do battle with these evil spirits. In these times today in the entire world,Satan and his army are on the march. We must push them back. With Christ we can do anything. More about this subject later.

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