Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Don't stay in the Pit.

Are you in a horrible pit today. Or have you ever been in one?
Psalm 40...let's look at it.
Verse one....I waited...patiently...for the Lord. This is Psalmist David speaking. He inclined unto me. And  heard my cry. Sometimes I feel i am exhausted of problems in my life brought on by others. These concerns get so heavy. So then i pray in earnest to God for help. Then i wait with patience for God. THEN HE HEARS MY CRY.  Oh...this  I can proove,since may 1965. Hundreds of times.
Now, listen to what He  did.
Then...He brought brought  up out of an horrible pit, out of the mirey clay.
Set my feet upon a rock ,and established my goings. Wow! DiD ya hear that? A solid rock.
 That means whatever situation I find my self in....my feet have been planted. Planted on, and by the solid rock. Man only thinks he can hurt me. But he CANNOT! He shed his blood for me, and He placed a new song in my heart, and in my mouth. NOW I praise my God, and many shall see it, verse 3 says. and they will fear, and trust in the Lord. Oh all my
Customers, coworkers,  oh if but you all see it and trust in the Lord. Those I know that are arrogant, hear this in verse 4. BLESSED IS THE MAN THAT MAKETH THE LORD HIS TRUST, AND RESPECTETH NOT THE PROUD, NOR SUCH THAT TURN ASIDE TO LIES.
Oh my friends,,,,,the blessed man turns to God, and away from proud men and followers of false Gods. He is not tricked by two of the greatest
Delusions of life. The honor of proud men, and the belief that materialism
Sexual indulgence, pleasure can satisfy the human heart.
As for me my friends, broken relation ships, lost jobs and money hurt me,but one day soon,I shall make that
Twinkling of an eye journey to bow before the only one who truly understands me, and never changed His mine to stay with me, He says Wayne I will never sneak out of your life, I never get tired. He says Wayne
I want you to serve me worship me, AND...ONE DAY HE SAYS, I WILL WIPE AWAY ALL YOUR TEARS. What a Saviour. Do you know him?
I mean as your Lord...and your Saviour? Or are you ashamed to let anyone know how you feel.
Well I must go for now, my chicken is ready to eat from the stove.

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