Thursday, April 30, 2020


Sanctified humor?
How about Proverbs 21:19
According to the writer of Proverbs ,
he would prefer the discomfort
,distance,and loneliness of a desert
To being cooped up with an angry   quarrelsome women.   (Reference a Bible commentary.) For months now, I have lived  in peace. I'm now one more step towards being free. I cannot speak for all relationships, but for many I can. Just remember what the Bible teaches. Because it matters.
Be not unequally yoked. Now the lesson here is, unequally yoked and not being compatible are kin, but not the same. One is supernatural,and the other is a flimsy weak, worldly
Excuse to get unmarried. Now I've
Done it before, so I should know.
As an active, disciple of Christ I long in my heart, for the spiritual relationship with the opposite sex.
But unfortunately the unequally yoked ones prefer to view marriage thru the eyes of a lost out of control world. That's  a total shame. and women are both the same as far as this goes.
Godly mates will be commited to you.
While worldly mates on a whim, will
throw up their hands and quit without notice and just walk out.
Now, beware of the ten commandment that the world seems to hate the most. Its,thou shalt not bare false witness. What is that?
It's being willing to tell lies on someone in order to have a good excuse to walk out.
Ya know, look at Proverbs 22: 1
A good name means a good reputation. The Bible says it's better than great riches. Worldly people,
Know this, so often times they attack
Christian's for the sole purpose of destroying his or her reputation.
But usually for every false witness
God has many more good references
Of your good character. So the blessings I have, will be total freedom, of a quarrelsome relationship. No matter how hard I prayed, how hard I tried to please,
how hard I promised to be forever committed, the unequally yoked
Won the war.  Today I was given great advice from a person of authority. Don't lettem ruffle your feathers, and stay on your knees to God. Do not be provoked. Amen.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

An Easter message or what?

OmGosh. The book of lamentations.
Once again Israel has disobeyed God.
Look at Lamentations chapter 5. See what has befallen the nation because of their sin. V8. Ch.5.( starting with)
Servants and slaves rule over us; there is none to deliver us out of their hands. [ Neh.5: 15]
The Hebrews said....We get our bread at the peril of our lives because of the sword of the wilderness. [ the wild Arabs,who may attack if we venture into the fields to reap our harvest]
Vs 10...Our skin glows and is  parched as from [the heat  of]
an oven because of the burning heat of [the fever of]  famine. Look further...vs 11. They ravished the women in Zion, the virgins in the cities of Judah.
Vs 12..They hung princes by their hands; the persons of elders were not  respected.
Vs 13..Young men carried millstones,and boys fell[ staggering]
under [ burdens of ] wood. Vs 14 ..The elders have ceased from [ congregating at] the city's gate, the young men from their music.
Vs 15...Ceased is the joy of our hearts;
Our dancing has turned into mourning. Vs 16..The crown has fallen from our head[ our honor is brought to dust] WOE TO US,FOR WE HAVE SINNED !
They also had to pay money to drink the water that belonged to them in verse 4.  They were allowed no verse 5.
So what we have here is their fathers had sinned as well, were no longer among them, and all of Israel including Judah was paying the price.
I do not know about you.....but I stress over the my nation suffering over a plague.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  Once a professed nation following Christ, has turned to it's own way. Not regarding God. Even evil doers invoking Christ to bail them out....with no Intentions to REPENT.
Trust God...that want work. Common grace and grace from Christ...are different. Much of our wealth and educated people working in medicine, the food industry, and science, is God's common grace. In other words God blessing  even the unbelieving world. For my fellow believers..... remember, it rains on the just and the unjust. If we want a mighty move of God, we believers must hit our knees, cry out to God for our nations healing. We have laughed joked around , had fun with the gospel, NOW it's time to learn of the full council of God. Is this an Easter message or what? Wow!
Ya know? Christ bore all my sins on the tree. All of them. Was buried and rose again.  Guess what. He is coming back just as the Bible says, but this time to JUDGE  the world. Are u ready? There are no cutting deals with God. You will not be telling Him or telling Him
what  to do.
I must obey Him now, and forever.
This life is temporary.  But the hereafter is forever. Pray for our nation while we repent. I must ask God to see if there is any wicked way in me.
God be with you. Happy about Christ rising from the grave. He lives. Amen.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

When u are done? Can u say that. I dare you!

 A prayer:  Lord Jesus Grant me the favor of being led by thee. Under the directions of thy Providence And thy word. Grant me thy blessings with bitter things, to brighten and quicken me, not to depress and make me lifeless, Grant me like Gideon of old, Way- tokens by removing things that discourage me .Grant me succor beneath the shadow of thy sympathy when I am tempted.  Accept my unceasing thanks that I am not cast off from thy hand as a darkened star or rudderless  vessel.  Suffer not my life to extend beyond my usefulness. A puritan prayer in part. What faith and belief one has to have to pray a prayer like this. Lord take me when ur done with me. AMEN.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Which leads us to: the eyes of the Lord.

Tonight, I see 2 scriptures of importance.  Proverbs 15:3.....and Proverbs 14:12.
The evil way,the allurements of Sin, and the end of the wicked is found in Provetbs 14: 12.  Yet we mankind think we have our lives charted for our own good. I speak and listen to so many men and women, that swear by their own right way of thinking. Never regarding God and His way. Constantly dragging down Christian's, as if all the folly of a professed Christian is the fault of the Heavenly Father. A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is CONFIDENT. Proverbs 14: 16. Which brings us to Proverbs 15: 3.
The eyes of the LORD are in every plae, keeping watch upon the evil and the good. We should, upon waking or sleeping pray to the Heavenly Father in Jesus name, blessing Him for His vigilant watching over us in the night
and guiding our steps throughout our day. So much wisdom in the book of Proverbs. Lots of common sense.
If by any chance you are righteous as in the Biblical sense? This means you are uncompromisingly righteous. Do not
Compromise  with evil, and claim to be righteous. Remember,  the eyes of the Lord. U can use references such as Job 34:21....Proverbs 5: 21.....Jeremiah 16: 17; 32:19...Hebrews 4: 13. Amen.

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Genesis 1.....a continuation of last nights live video of me speaking on Genesis. Tonight what is faith? Well we know it is the substance of things hoped for. The evidence of things not
Yet seen.  2 key words ...substance and evidence. I hope for substance, and I already have evidence. In Genesis chapter 1 I see where God made the earth. The oceans.
He made it all out of nothing. No pressure existing material.
Only God can make something from nothing. The God of nature is not subject to the laws of nature. ( per Matthew Henry.)  In my faith of all God created ...exist a strong substance that has itself twisted all around my soul. It has never and will never let go of me. It tells me all of Gods creation and plans for my life and my soul, are true and can be sure to be honored by Christ. I honor and praise my Heavenly Father for all He has created and for coming to earth and dieing for me so I can one day  return to Him as I should always be...
 Redeemed ! This excellency of power is of God and to Him is all the glory.
I must sleep for the day is fast approaching.  Read about our Father and His glory in chapter 1 of Genesis .
Next....time as it began. God bless.