Sunday, April 5, 2020

Which leads us to: the eyes of the Lord.

Tonight, I see 2 scriptures of importance.  Proverbs 15:3.....and Proverbs 14:12.
The evil way,the allurements of Sin, and the end of the wicked is found in Provetbs 14: 12.  Yet we mankind think we have our lives charted for our own good. I speak and listen to so many men and women, that swear by their own right way of thinking. Never regarding God and His way. Constantly dragging down Christian's, as if all the folly of a professed Christian is the fault of the Heavenly Father. A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is CONFIDENT. Proverbs 14: 16. Which brings us to Proverbs 15: 3.
The eyes of the LORD are in every plae, keeping watch upon the evil and the good. We should, upon waking or sleeping pray to the Heavenly Father in Jesus name, blessing Him for His vigilant watching over us in the night
and guiding our steps throughout our day. So much wisdom in the book of Proverbs. Lots of common sense.
If by any chance you are righteous as in the Biblical sense? This means you are uncompromisingly righteous. Do not
Compromise  with evil, and claim to be righteous. Remember,  the eyes of the Lord. U can use references such as Job 34:21....Proverbs 5: 21.....Jeremiah 16: 17; 32:19...Hebrews 4: 13. Amen.

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