Friday, May 1, 2020

False Witness.

The Bible says a false witness
Will perish. Then goes out and
Deliberately perjures himself. Then
the man who listens to the false
witness carefully, answers honestly
and gives testimony that can never
be shaken. PROVERBS 21:28.
Events of false witness, do not last
forever. Yet they can unleash worlds
of hurt on someones life. It can take years for people to see the truth. That's why never STRIKE back. Gets u nowhere. Say what you must, but not in unrighteous anger. (There is a righteous anger) use that if you must.
You see, we cannot outwit God in wisdom,understanding,or strategy.
If we truly have love deep in our heart for special people in our lives...
then get by yourself Express your anger to God, (vent) then seek his wisdom in the matter. There...will be
....your answer. Remember time is in Gods control. God weighs the heart of mankind. Pray for me, as I seek Gods wisdom while moving forward. At this point, I must dismantle my entire life it seems. God bless.

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