Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Do you? Or not?

God as called you out. To do somehing in your lives for Him. Know what it is?
To praise Him and glorify His name. To glory in the name of His ONLY begotten Son...Jesus Christ.
But, even thn we have been known to complain to God.
How about Preachers who get tired of the everyday rigors of shepherding their flocks. Or teachers who don't consider their Sunday School class, as something they were called by God to do? When oppostion to your message arises? Or no one
Seems to listen? Or ..God forbid, continuous behavior arises and even leads to a
near marriage breakup, or to 
children becoming rebellious.
Look at what happened with Jeremiah the Prophet. Jeremiah chapter 20: verses 7 through 13.
Let me shorten this. Jeremiah complained to God. Guesswhat? God's Word burned within the soul 
of Jeremiah, and as is usual
the Spirit of God reminds Jeremiah that He is with Him. Jeremiah then ask for vengeance by the Lord on his enemies. Then Jeremiah Sings Praise unto the Lord. So...in closing i say read Psalm 40 beginning with verse 1.
Wait patiently for the Lord. Hear what God has in store
For YOU and me! 

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