Saturday, March 13, 2021

History ALWAYS repeats itself?

 In some cases for sure it does. In biblical Israel it did and still does. The same patterns. When confronted with God's message so many people do not understand.They refuse to live as God?'s message request. When God sent or sends a messenger, people refuse to listen. Human nature so many declare exist.... rebellious, ungrateful, foolish. God Remains the Same. The God who spoke to Moses was the same God who had spoken to his ancestors. This God hears when people are troubled he comes to deliver he leads his people from Death To Life he surrenders to their own desires those who willfully reject him. Such as our great God he is merciful powerful and holy he is always the same whatever happens. When Steven in the book of Acts was preaching to his accusers these words are a warning not to trifle with God. It's also an assurance that every promise of God stands firm forever .. footnote: some of the words written here are taken from a commentary. The words were reflecting the issues that The Devout man named Stephen  were used to defend the gospel to his accusers. Amen..

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