Paul the apostle, reminds us of the control God himself has over the most needed need we humans have. Romans chapter 9: verse 15.
For the Lord said to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion or pity on whom I will have compassion you can check that out in Exodus chapter 33 verse 19. My reason for bringing this up is Mercy is what everyone in the human race needs right off the bat. If you're out there and you find yourself in a situation that calls you to look up and ask for help, remember the word is Mercy. Without it you will get nowhere. Do not try to fool God, that's impossible to do. He is a heart reader. If you're not going to be serious with the Lord and follow and serve his son Jesus Christ then you're in for trouble. You cannot play the part of a Christian, nor ignore Jesus Christ on a daily minute-by-minute basis and expect any relief. But the Lord says he has Mercy on who he has Mercy. It's his decision. We need to stop going through our lives living 99.9% for ourselves, and not praise God for all the mercies he has shown us. The Lord continuously shows me different times in my life when he showed mercy on me. Were it not for that Mercy I would have been dead many years ago. We must have a right relationship with the almighty God. Jesus Christ made it perfectly clear and if you want to get to the father you have to come through Christ.don't watch too much TV listen to too much news not even your leaders in your countries. They will tell you there are many ways to God and I'm telling you Jesus said there is only one way and that's through him. Get that through your head in your heart pick that Holy Bible up start studying it. The old testament is great but the New testament is exactly what it says it is a new testament Jesus Christ birth death and Resurrection have put us all under a new covenant. You cannot neither can I follow all the ten commandments perfectly and Jesus knew that heavenly father knows it, therefore the New covenant or new testament The testament is to what was accomplished when Christ died on the cross and was resurrected. You say you heard this before? Well that's okay a my prayer for you is is that you start understanding it at the Holy Spirit speaks to each and every one of yours hearts. Starting now Amen.
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