Many in American culture, and from what I have observed of other nations or culture, seem to have invented there own means of salvation. I'm speaking of course to the subject that concerns our souls. Unfortunately many wish to bypass Jesus Christ. Many refute what the Bible says and or hate to even hear that term mentioned. The Bible alone has the message of salvation. In view I've God's General revelation, all men are without excuse you can see that in Romans 1:20 for all who sin apart from the written law will also perish apart from the law Romans chapter 2 verse 12 General Revelation is sufficient ground for men's condemnation, however, it is not sufficient for salvation. One can tell how the heavens go by studying General revelation, but he cannot discover from it how to go to heaven, quote there is no other name under Heaven except Christ name given to men by which we must be saved Acts 4:12 in order to be saved people must confess Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts that God has raised him from the dead Romans 10:9 but they cannot call upon someone of whom they have not heard and how can they hear without someone preaching to them Romans 10:14 does preaching the gospel and all the world is the Christians Great Commission you can find that in Matthew chapter 28 verses 18 through 20. So let me add, this is indeed what the word of God, the Bible, says. Please take this short message to Heart. If you rejected you reject Christ. If you reject Christ the outcome is severe. When we die one of two places we go. Either Heaven or Hell. I love you all goodnight sweet dreams and Godspeed.
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