Tuesday, July 12, 2022

So who are YOU...THAT judges?

So..if you are born again, I'm sure you're aware that anytime you express your dislike of sin in people's lives, the first thing they do is accuse you of being the judge. But actually you're not. Look at how the apostle Paul was speaking in Rome. Look at the book of Romans chapter 7 you can read the entire book but I'd like to point out for this short blog how the apostle Paul was feeling throughout that entire chapter but especially beginning with versus 15 all the way down to verse 20. This my friend is an explanation for the flesh that lives among all of us including those of us born from above. Paul said quote, for I do not understand my own actions he said I am baffled bewildered I do not practice or accomplish what I wish but I do the very thing that I love which my moral instinct condemns that was verse 15. Beginning at verse 16 Paul said now if I do meaning habitually do what is contrary to my desire that means that I acknowledge and agree that the law is good morally excellent and that I take sides with it. However it is no longer I who do the deed but the sin which is at home in me and has possession of me. Paul said in verse 18 for I know that nothing good dwells within me that is in my flesh I can will what is right but I cannot perform it I have the intention and urge to do what is right but no power to carry it out verse 19 for I fail to practice the Good deeds I desire to do but the evil deeds that I do not desire to do or what I am ever doing. And then Paul explains in verse 20 now if I do what I do not desire to do it is no longer I doing it meaning it is his self that acts but the sin principle which dwells within me fixed and operating in my soul. To sum it up I don't care who you are or who I am as long as it is we're in this body of flesh there's going to be the same war that even the great apostle Paul experienced. So when you're accused of judging others just understand that none of us has the power to do that. Agreeing with God and the things that he hates does not make you a judge. In this particular case the apostle Paul is judging himself or should I say judging his fleshly instincts. We must all do that look inward and before we get too excited about what others are doing verbally, search your own soul your own sin and repent. Pray earnestly for those lost without Christ. There are millions of them. We have to love them. Only the Holy Ghost can do that for us. All the English that I have within my inner self concerning many people I know, I have to pray earnestly to my Lord concerning their salvation, and for all the things that the Lord knows they are in need of. One day I shall leave this earth and face my Lord and give an account for all the deeds I have done in this body. So will everyone of you. I want to love the Lord more than anyone or anything in this life. I rely totally on the holy spirit of God to direct me the direction that I have to go. I pray for those who are not saved from the wrath of God, that the spirit of God will convict them of their sin and they will realize their lost and on their way to hell if they do not search earnestly. Probably end this short blog from early this morning. I know I'm saved because the holy spirit of God reveals that to me. When I hear the words of God I earnestly desire to start praying to him talking to him as my heavenly father. People when Jesus comes back to this earth he is not coming as a babe in a manger, he's coming back as the judge. Amen

Times have changed?

Saturday, April 9, 2022

All kinds.

The afflictions of every individual. There are a couple of types of people I see in the world. Even among my neighbors coworkers fellow churchgoers. Actuhyally there may be three kinds. Nunber one,  a person who is presently going through some type of issue whether it be health finances sickness in the family sickness in their own bodies, and they are sick and tired of what seems like an endless array of problems. And it definitely kills their Joy. Then there's the person in the middle who's young enough strong enough in mind and body to have fun make money and regardless of what comes their way they just drink it off lay around take it step by step and just simply I have found they do not care.. then there's the third kind, the kind that has afflictions in their body, seem to have no real friends, struggle to keep a roof over their head etc. But that third kind regards God everyday of their life, and all through each and every day not just on the Lord's day but at work at home etc. This person prays for those that do not like them or have alt against them. They still love their families and the people they work with. But remember the third person does not receive back the same love and respect he or she shows others. I'm studying in the book of Job about this poor man who no one can say had it made. All the trouble he went through all the pain the loss of his family the loss of his wealth and the loss of his health. As I read about him I noticed, in my opinion, something that many of my readers may have experienced in their lifetime themselves. How about the fact that having a true friend or two or three that sticks by you no matter what their opinion of you is. Well listen up that's nothing new, it's not new to our culture and our societies in the world today. Job was truly a righteous man obedient man to God. And Satan is having a conversation with our heavenly Father. Satan frustrated I guess probably bored because the Lord protects his own from Satan. The heavenly Father knew Job was righteous and obedient and that Job loved him. So the Father ask Satan had he considered his servant Job? Most people know that story but have you seriously considered the conversations that Job himself had with his friends? Three things I'm studying, are concerning Bildad one of Job's friends three things for us to look at chapter 8 of Job vss one through 22.Bildad accuses job of impuning God. Then look at the second thing Job 18 vss 1 through 21, his friend Bildad tells job that he is suffering just what he deserves.Wow. Now look at this chapter 25 one through 6.Bildad scoffs at Job because Job is making a direct appeal to God himself. Now I'm not going to be able in this one short blog to break all this down. But I will say this how can we think or expect to have anything any better than a righteous man like Job? We can't. Almost everything we hear or see in social media are we here or see in the local church is designed to make us all feel good. The truth is Christ has not called us so he can heap treasures upon us of worldly goods. It is true that he has promised to take care of us, but to show his real power he can lead us through our trials. If you're reading this and you have noticed friends and family are somewhat distant and consumed in their own lives and they forget about you, take my word for it take God's word for it take Job's word for it you will survive either in this flesh or in your spirit or both. Even if they kill you you're only changing addresses and then you will suffer no more. Our goal after being cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ into the family of God, is to share the gospel of Christ and use the entire scriptures of the Lord to show people as the Lord intended that we are not alone we are not the only ones yes life is hard but Christ and us are victorious over all. I'm writing this hopefully and prayerfully to encourage you. To let you know you are not alone in your struggles. They're always comes that time and everyone's life where they come up against something they can literally not fix. That is when we as Born again Christians should lean on one another. Love one another, help one another as much as humanly possible.when it's not humanly possible then it's Godly possible. Christ himself knows how it feels to go through what you're going through. Do you have friends like Bildad? Well you've got a much better friend in Jesus just as the Lord brought Job through his fire and out the other side much more healthier wealthier and wise he can do the same for you. He's not the big banker in the sky like television evangelism teaches, he is greater than that. Everything we go through and come out of we do for the glory of God. I personally do not have all the answers to the why, yet I know and I believe and I trust God to literally guide me through the fire keeping me from being burned but I must trust him I must talk to him I must ask him for help I must share my feelings just as Joe did. And it is okay to go directly to the father in Jesus name bearing all your burdens handing them to Him honoring Him and glorifying Him. If you're not sure what His will is for you then just tell Him that Thy will be done. Do not let your friends or family accuse you falsely without taking it to the Lord as Job did. The Father is waiting the Father is listening. He knows you're coming and you're goings, your feelings your aches and pains your financial issues. It is absolutely astonishing how every single individual on this planet that has ever lived and does live now has so many problems and issues and concerns yet the only way to survive it is with the Lord himself. If you are not saved then my prayer is that the Holy Spirit Will convict you of your sins, that you will then truly see that you have need of the savior Jesus Christ. Fear God for it is the beginning of knowledge. Not book learning knowledge but knowledge of life and how to live it. The men in the scripture and the women are the examples that we are no different. So I will let you go for this time and my prayer will be with every single one of you and for myself. Amen

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


 What good is it if you have a college degree and you die without Christ? What good is it to go to church and not be sure of your salvation? What good does it do anyone if you are narcissistic all about yourself what you can attain how many big toys you can save up? And then lose your soul. Young people if you want an education study the scriptures from one end to the other and then let the Lord speak to your heart and change your life completely. Oh you can bet that when you accept Christ and follow him you may even lose family and friends. You may lose a job a wife, your children may turn against you. Oh they will do it in a subtle way, but they will do it regardless. Now if you believe otherwise you're sadly mistaken. Most people will not choose Christ over family. But if you're not at least willing to do so, most likely you'll never enter into the kingdom of heaven. Because you see becoming a Christian means you understand that you will suffer loss. Do not believe this prosperity Gospel stuff. God will bless who he chooses to bless and condemn those he chooses to condemn. You can bet your bottom dollar that he will choose righteously. When that great judgment day comes every single knee shall bow and profess that Jesus Christ is Lord. If you say you don't want a God like this then you  have chosen burning literally in a lake of fire as your destiny. Another truth is those that profess that with their tongue they can defeat Satan and or his demons. Why those demons and Satan are laughing at you. You better be on your knees everyday asking Christ to keep Satan and his demons off of your back. It is now time for two things to be done absolutely at this time. Number one be sure of your salvation number two look around your family your friends and acquaintances and spread the gospel. You say you can be a quiet person a person that minds their own business and still have a testimony. If someone tries to destroy your testimony in one area the Lord will move you to another place to give your testimony. Sometimes your testimony is just doing a good job at work. Being on time following orders giving respect to authority. These days that's very difficult to find. But in the end you could still lose your life. Jesus said did not find this to be strange. When you are truly born again following Christ, you will experience the wrath of many people who hold your past sins against you. But the Lord himself will never leave you alone in this battle. Keep praying to him he will deliver you that is a guarantee. He will deliver you out of the fire that being right after you see him in the midst of the fire with you. Do not wear your sin has a badge of honor, rather agree with God concerning all your past sin as he forgives you and he forgets it. The tougher things get the more involved in your life that Jesus is. Do not believe this pie in the sky God is a banker cloud waiting for you to stick a pitchfork in the cloud and down comes all of these wonderful gifts material gifts. This my friend is the narrow way and few there be that find it, most people will travel the wide road that leads to the wide gate that leads to destruction destruction of what? Destruction of your soul. Imagine waking up in hell thinking about how important your job was your wife was your children were your career was your automobiles and homes were your money, trust me you will hate yourself forever living that way. Now people that's the truth that's the way it really is and the way it's really going to be. So what should i title this blog? I know.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Truth...what is it?

 The truth what is it. There's some truths in our lives that we know them to be true just because we as an individual believe them. I can say the same about the Virgin birth of Jesus Christ, about his death burial and Resurrection. Then many have said and will continue to say how do I know this? How could I possibly believe this? So let me say this because the Bible says so. The Holy Bible. So then you may say that's just a book written by a bunch of men. Well let's just say this, I also believe the scripture itself when it says in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verses 15 through 17. All scripture is inspired by God himself. Therefore for this reason all true believers in Christ followers of Christ lovers of Christ worshipers of Christ, believe the Bible to be the word of God. The question should be answered that the Bible is the truth. Please don't take the risk of denying God's word. Before it's too late please read it study it love it. For thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy mind and might. I know they're very well maybe many people I have known some I have loved that may never enter the kingdom of heaven. Who will spend eternity separated from God and cast into the lake of fire with the devil and his angels. You say that is strong language? Yes it is and I would not wish this on anyone. It is awful to think of it happening to someone who's reading this. Don't let your love of your sin keep you separated from Christ. Be sure this day this moment as quick as you can, that heaven will be your destination either upon your death or you're being snatched up in the rapture. Do not continue to fall for Satan's trap, making you say how long you've been on this Earth and yet you have not seen his return as of yet. In other words you saying it like this and I quote where is the promise of his coming? Where is he? The inspired word of God says that he will come in an hour that you think not. And that could be upon your death or his calling his bride the church home to be with him. Be sure of your salvation. Just because you go to church does not make you saved. Be diligent and pray to the Lord and make sure. Speak to your family members your coworkers friends tell them time is running out make sure of their salvation. There's absolutely no thing, or nobody more important than the saving of your soul. Rejection of Christ is what sends people to hell. By rejecting Christ you embrace your sin you say it is natural. Of course it's natural and the natural man does not understand the things of God. Neither can he for they are spiritually discerned. They are fixed where the natural man cannot understand the things of God. That's why oh sinner you must hit your knees and beg God for mercy before Mercy runs out. We're always making comments in this world about a real man would do this or real woman would do that blah blah blah, but I say a real man will search for God with all of his heart and all of his soul, and the Bible says again that if you search for the Lord with all your heart and all your soul you will find him. Then if you acknowledge your sin to him repent change your ways he will help you and he will save you. You will receive his salvation. Not your salvation his salvation, because no man can save you. The Christian Life is not a get rich Ponzi scheme. You will be rejected by the world it's people and it's philosophy, you could end up friendless. You could end up without family you could lose your job you could be, let me rephrase that one, you will be persecuted by men meaning men and women, and you could very well lose your life because you are born again and have received Christ into your heart and soul and he begins to control you. For the first time in my life I really have discovered what being alone in this world, yet feeling the ever-presence of Christ is like. I cannot count on the word of men but so far. But again the Bible the word of God tells me I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. My back pinned against the wall looking out and seeing no friends no family nobody there for me yet Christ never leaves me. He's there when I wake up in the middle of the night he's there while I sleep he's there when I arise when I work when I walk about in the way. The saddest thing in the world to me is to look into the faces of people and no that the majority will spend eternity in torment. All because they love evil sin and they do not regard Christ as the living Son of God. I have to admit most people I know refuse to follow Christ simply because they love their sin. You say that sounds judgmental I say you better believe it and you better heed. If you don't you will hear it on that dreadful judgment day when you stand before Christ and answer for every deed every word done in the body. Please don't wish this on yourself or anyone my goodness we all have people we love and care about we must plead with them now, that's how urgent it is. It's the urgency of the time. The world is in evil torment right now, wars all over the place, once godly people turning apostate. Those that deny Christ after all ready claiming they knew Him and followed Him. My goodness I just don't understand why people would want to live without Him. There's not a job and animal any amount of money a wife children any family that can possibly love us the way Christ loves us. Remember the simple scripture of John 3:16, for God... So loved the world..... That he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever should call upon the name of Jesus Christ shall be saved. Saved from what? The answer to that is, saved from the wrath of God when he puts his final judgment on sin. Yes sin.... The sin that people love God hates and cannot look upon sin for he is Holy. I hope I have not rambled but I do declare you must be born again. God loves you dearly and so do I. So be it.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

My search.

I titled this blog, my search. Is it my search, or is it the Holy Spirit drawing me to search?
I say considering the fact that I am searching, I believe the latter. The holy spirit always prepares us for battle, by arming us with all we need to know. Now what might that be?
In my case tonight it's the book of Luke chapter 4 verse 1. I understand that this chapter is concerned with letting me know that Christ was tempted by Satan that old dog. This week that old dog from hell named Satan has barked at me from all directions. Yes indeed it is actually made me physically and spiritually tired. So with this late hour when I probably should be asleep the Holy Spirit has me up so he can reveal to me in the word of God what's actually been going on and why. It raises an old question or should I say a comment, that if Satan is not dogging you, then perhaps you're not praying up, perhaps there's an issue with how much you do or do not love the Lord. I have no doubt that loving the Lord my God with all of my heart all of my soul and all of my mind and might is number one. God the Father does above all things, listens intently to my prayers and what I asked for. When I get to the point to where my main objective is to desire the Lord to help me love him more and more and more. To love him more than so many things in my life that I have loved. So many people I have loved. Even the desire to survive. My prayer and desire for writing this is to hopefully stir up your interest in God the Father, and do it in the name of Christ his only begotten Son. Remember Luke chapter 4 verse 1 got my curiosity stirred,. I could not at first fully grasp the comment that Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost was led up, to be tempted by Satan. I was not satisfied with the story of the temptation until I first could grasp Christ being full of the Holy Ghost and why. I got both answers. You know what they were? They were and are the same exact thing the Holy Ghost can do for us and will do for us to stave off any temptation. He armors us with the Word of God. I pray this blog the words about what I have learned and just one small verse, will stir up the fire that burns in your bellies, and you're gut. Pray without ceasing, you don't have to pray for material things alone, this is not a prosperity Gospel. It's about learning and being taught and prepared for the persecution that may or may not be coming your way. As I write, Brothers and sisters in Christ, are being tortured and murdered for Christ's sake. All around the world. How long before it begins in the United States of America? I must go now. If you're reading this and you're born from above, then I'm praying for you. If you happen to read this and your not a believer, I am praying for you also. I'm praying the Holy Spirit of the one and only true God, will guide you and draw you to Christ. After all that's what he always does. Good evening from the United States of America. And may God help us.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Where is your heart!

We must work for the necessities of life. And I know it. I have lived in survival mode my entire life. But upon owning very nice possessions I increasingly realized that if I perish they would be worthless to me.I must depend on God to provide. I must love Him with all of my heart and all of my soul and all of my mind. For the first time in my life I long to hear his words preached. I realize my nothingness without Jesus. Everything I have my very breath he's all in his hands.My being able to help provide for myself, in extreme chronic pain is nothing less then the working of my heavenly Father. I'm aware when I approach his throne many times in the course of a day He has never failed me not once. I try to pray even for the desires of my heart as long as they are in his will. Now you may ask how do I know what his will is. It is in the words of the Holy Bible. That is God's word to us. He does not have special Revelations 2 people. I am deeply saddened that there are so many people and I come in contact with daily many of which I have met several times that do not have faith in Christ. I've talked to many who have what I call, off the wall Belief's. Please do not sit at home becoming anxious, wondering about your existence. The answers are in the scriptures. Most of my ideas in this blog are from the 12th chapter of the book of Luke. Read the entire chapter and put your faith in Christ. None of us know how long we're going to be here, nor how we will die, or should I say how we will leave this earth. I'm exhausted at this moment, I've been so busy that my heart yearns for the words of my living God. Pray for me that I will give what is you to my Lord. I understand that I gave everything I wouldn't be in existence. But I assure you God knows what each of us are in need of. I pray that those that read this I will be with him and Christ in heaven one day. God is a loving and merciful God. I'm not worthy to even be in existence, but He had other ideas. Here are some things that are in the 12th chapter of Luke. Beginning wiz warnings and encouragement verses 1 through 12. Then you have warnings against greed. Chapter 12 versus XIII through 21. Then something millions of people suffer with anxiety. Chapter 12 verses 22 + 23 anxiety versus face let's change that to chapter 12 verse 22 through 34. I realize that a lot can be said about how to be saved. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus said to call on the name of Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Meaning you must be sorry for your sins and brought low because you do not love the fact that you sin. Thinking on that subject can cause anxiety but if you read the word of God you will become closer to him and understanding Him. Remember it is a fatal mistake to look upon a man's life as consisting all the abundance of his possessions. At this point I will go to bed. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit Will convict the hearts of those filled with unbelief and when he convinced them I will get on their knees and pray to The only living God to save them and have mercy. It's not about just coming down front shaking hands with a pastor and some Deacons. You must have remorse for your sin. The closer you get to God the more you will hate your sin. We cannot hang on to it I expect any real move of God to save us. May God bless and good night.