Saturday, March 5, 2022

My search.

I titled this blog, my search. Is it my search, or is it the Holy Spirit drawing me to search?
I say considering the fact that I am searching, I believe the latter. The holy spirit always prepares us for battle, by arming us with all we need to know. Now what might that be?
In my case tonight it's the book of Luke chapter 4 verse 1. I understand that this chapter is concerned with letting me know that Christ was tempted by Satan that old dog. This week that old dog from hell named Satan has barked at me from all directions. Yes indeed it is actually made me physically and spiritually tired. So with this late hour when I probably should be asleep the Holy Spirit has me up so he can reveal to me in the word of God what's actually been going on and why. It raises an old question or should I say a comment, that if Satan is not dogging you, then perhaps you're not praying up, perhaps there's an issue with how much you do or do not love the Lord. I have no doubt that loving the Lord my God with all of my heart all of my soul and all of my mind and might is number one. God the Father does above all things, listens intently to my prayers and what I asked for. When I get to the point to where my main objective is to desire the Lord to help me love him more and more and more. To love him more than so many things in my life that I have loved. So many people I have loved. Even the desire to survive. My prayer and desire for writing this is to hopefully stir up your interest in God the Father, and do it in the name of Christ his only begotten Son. Remember Luke chapter 4 verse 1 got my curiosity stirred,. I could not at first fully grasp the comment that Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost was led up, to be tempted by Satan. I was not satisfied with the story of the temptation until I first could grasp Christ being full of the Holy Ghost and why. I got both answers. You know what they were? They were and are the same exact thing the Holy Ghost can do for us and will do for us to stave off any temptation. He armors us with the Word of God. I pray this blog the words about what I have learned and just one small verse, will stir up the fire that burns in your bellies, and you're gut. Pray without ceasing, you don't have to pray for material things alone, this is not a prosperity Gospel. It's about learning and being taught and prepared for the persecution that may or may not be coming your way. As I write, Brothers and sisters in Christ, are being tortured and murdered for Christ's sake. All around the world. How long before it begins in the United States of America? I must go now. If you're reading this and you're born from above, then I'm praying for you. If you happen to read this and your not a believer, I am praying for you also. I'm praying the Holy Spirit of the one and only true God, will guide you and draw you to Christ. After all that's what he always does. Good evening from the United States of America. And may God help us.

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