Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A women when she is in travail hath sorrow,because her hour is come:but soon as she is delivered of the child,she remembereth no more the anguish,for joy that a man is born into the world.And ye now therefore have sorrow:but i will see you again,and your heart shall rejoice,and your joy no man taketh from you.ST.JOHN CHAPTER 16 VERSES 21 AND 22. OK,now as we are here in the flesh,it is vitaly important that we involve ourselves at least in the conversation of the affairs of our nations. The united states of america cannot provide the total protection,or welfare of the World.Not being selfish but it is just not possible.Other people need to look hard at their governments,there social needs etc,and make the necessary changes that are needed to sustain their lives.Case in point.....look at how many hispanics come to america and are skilled workers.They need to be at home making their own nations better places to live.In america yesterday we had a representaive(black) who was very rude and belligerent with a representative of the great state of texas.I witnessed it and it made my skin crawl. My blood started boiling.This black rep. from Florida told the rep.from Texas that he wouldn't live in the state of Texas for all the tea in china.If i had been the chairman...i would removed him from the discussion. Ya see,thats an example of how far certain democrats are willing to take things. The sadest part is the republican controled committee did nothing.It's very clear that when dems. are in control,they say reublicans need to work with them. Then when Republicans are in control,The dems.Say Republicans need to work with them. Republican senate leader said while he was running for reelection that once republicans got control they would repeal certain obama policies,healthcare,and amnesty for ilegal immigrants.Once he was in power he immediately said he was not gonna do it,cause he did not have the votes. To change my mind a little bit.....i would have kept the black Rep.(DEM)FROM FLORIDA ON THE COMMITTEE just for entertainment value.After all our history shows that many fights like that have errupted over the years. Bring it on.

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