Monday, February 16, 2015

As we look backwards to past Presidents,we can see the decline in some of them,and the rise of others.We are much more a Representative Government than we are a democracy.These people elected to congress are charged by our constitution to legislate! The President was not given the powers to spend money or pass laws.For millions who could care less.......we all have to live under and by these laws. This is why what we believe,and our lawmakers believe is vital.In todays america it is more vital than ever before.If what we believe leads to the overthrow of our Representative Government,then that is unlawful,and treasonist!Wanting the government to spend responsively,be wise and only go to war when its a must for our survival,standing for the Same Godly principles our founding Fathers did,is not treason! Congress is there to make sure i Presidents don't exceed their authority.Our courts and judges are not to dissolve the constitution but to interpret the law.When political agendas are forced on any americans without the due processs of the legislating laws...then that is Tyranny!Case in point.....The Gay agenda in america trying to come through the back door of our constitution and forcing Gay marriage.

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