Thursday, March 10, 2016


2 KINGS CHAPTER 4 VERSES 1 THRU 7. A wife of a disciple to a prophet told Elisha that her husband was dead. Elisha ask what could he do for her.She said a creditor has come to take her 2 children to make slaves of them.Elisha told her to ask neighbors for empty containers since she had nothing but a jar of olive oil in the house.He told her to close the door behind her and her children,then pour oil in the containers. Then when it was full set it aside and fill another one.So she did.Finally her sons told her there were no more containers...and she told Elisha this issue. Elisha told her to "Sell the oil and pay your debt,and the rest keep for you and your children.Notice when they had ran out of containers the oil stopped flowing.You may also see that in our lives when our container is no longer available to the lord,then our blessings can stop as well.Also many may read this and if they do they should see that if they have no job,no help,that taking your issue straight to the Lord he will help you get a job,or get help from other sources!OH MY OH MY OH MY...HOW MANY TIMES IN MY LIFE HE HAS DONE THIS FOR ME.Speak with him everyday all day long.When you lay down and get up and walk by the way.He wants us to call on him for things only he can do.This women declared that she knew her husband feared the Lord.What a testimony. She was rewarded because of her husbands faith.She claimed it.Also notice she obeyed.Have you ever been that desperate? I have.I have learned probably the same thing she and her children learned.That there is no need to wait till we are desperate to pray to the Lord.No issue is to big or to small to take to the Lord.He loves us and is waiting for us to fellowship and a acknowledge him in every way.Try him and see. God bless and thanks for reading my blog.Footnote:When our vessel is full of sin....then there is no room for the Holy Spirit to dwell in us.That is why we need to ask the Lord to forgive us our sin,and when we do.....oh my oh my oh my,we can literally feel his Spirit moving in.

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