Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Good morning almost good afternoon where I am. In the course of a person's busy busy day... the cares of this world that we have to deal with daily can literally drown out our spiritual hearing. When God in a still small Touch of our heart makes us long for him. Makes us look around and appreciate what we have and makes us want to take care of it as well. But... Don't you wonder where that comes from? Now Jesus explained that to us and a very subtle but straight forward manner. The Book of John chapter 7 verse 38. He who believes in me, paraphrased in the Amplified version of the Bible, he who clings and Trust in, and relies on me, as the scripture has said, from his innermost being shall flow continuously, streams and rivers of Living Water. These continuous strings of water or better said would be a definite sign of Who You belong to.It is an Indescribable feeling to know that the almighty God can touch an individual's heart in such a manner. The joy when a person finds in Christ cannot be duplicated with anything else. If God doesn't speak to your heart today, try speaking to his.Once you are his,your his.Jesus of course is speaking of our spirits.Where is your innermost being today?Lost in the cares of this worldor ,lost in your own self deires?Seek the lord while he may be found.If your lost, (a non believer)Remember there is a point where it will be to late.A prayer: Dear lord, in Jesus name I ask that you draw people to you ,so they might be saved. Amen...Thanks for reading this blog.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Good morning.Proverbs 10:25.What a perfect discription of the life of wicked people.But then.....the joy of HAVING A personal relationship with the only REAL,living,God.Another very important promise.And today,i get to go to church have Bible study,and fellowship with other people God has drawn to himself.There is nothing better.Their is no better,fulfilling life than this.NO NOT ONE!Reminds me of an old song...."Theres not a friend like the lowly Jesus,no not one,no not one" A prayer: Heavenly Father there is no life existing, that can compare with a satisfied soul. Going to Fellowship and read more about you makes my day. Bless the Bible teaching and the fellowship with other brethren. Amen and thank you sincerely for reading my blog.
Friday, May 20, 2016
oh my goodness this morning I'm reading from the book of Acts chapter 27. It is an intriguing story of the Apostle Paul and he's sharing the gospel and obeying the Lord. I do not wish to cover all of the chapter at this time so I'm going to start at 22. In the beginning of this chapter the Apostle Paul was being held captive and going to stand before Caesar. The weather was bad,Paul tried to warn the men on the ship, but they ignored him about the bad weather that was to come. As they travel they had a very hard time getting to where they needed to go, the Bible refers to it as a great difficulty. To the point to where they were throwing things overboard in order to try to save their own lives. Then something wonderful happened. The Apostle Paul approach the men of the ship and told them in verse 22 and I quote. But now I beg you to be in good spirits and take heart for there will be no loss of life among you, but only for the ship. Verse 23 for this very night there stood by my side an angel of the God to whom I belong, and whom I serve and worship. And he said do not be frightened Paul, it is necessary for you to stand before Caesar, and behold God has given you all those who are sailing with you so keep your courage men for I have faith (that is complete confidence) in God that it will be exactly as it was told to me. In our modern times we have the Holy Scripture full of the words of God. Teaching us how to live, teaching us about the personality of Our Lord, and the price he paid to redeem our souls, and His Holy Spirit comes to us and speaks to us the things he wants us to know, the things he wants us to do, the things he wants us to say. All of this is in the Holy Bible. And I have full confidence and faith that what He says,He will do.Exactly. In our lives we must read the Holy scriptures and get our marching orders on a daily basis. We must pray before we read and ask him to show us what he wants to say and do. Otherwise we spend our entire days wondering through worldly Ventures. These Ventures may be necessary while we're here on this Earth, but may be of no value in eternity. An eternity for which all mankind will someday experience. This 27th chapter of Acts is an awesome story with many points that could be made in comparison to how we should live today. Like the Apostle Paul I beg you to be in good spirits and take heart. 4 in the words of the Holy Bible,are God's power and Grace. You don't have to have an angel to appear to give you this message. That's what Godly men and women and parents do everyday. They give you the message. They give their children the message. Please do not be like the men on this ship, and the men that worked on this ship and continue on your journey, when the Holy scripture is warning you of impending Danger. But if you do, my prayer is that you will encounter an Apostle Paul in your life, and that person will be confident that God will save, and he will do exactly as he said he would.A PRAYER: your heavenly father I have full faith and confidence that the things you asked us to do and the promises you have made to us in your Holy Scripture... You will exactly do! You will not let us down. Those that sincerely search for you and want to believe on you ask to be saved will be born again. You will save their souls. In Jesus name I pray these things. Amen. And thank you sincerely for reading my blog.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Another short message to you today. In the book of Acts chapter 28 we read about the Apostle Paul on an island getting bitten. I presume by snake. The natives of the island watched as Paul shook off this snake from his hand where he had been bitten. The natives waited patiently for the Apostle Paul to swell up and drop dead. This scripture begins with the verse one of chapter 28 ends at verse 5. As you read drop down to the last verse ,verse 31. Preaching to them the kingdom of God and teaching them about the Lord Jesus Christ with boldness and quite openly, and without being molested or hindered. This my friends is what happens when God has called you to preach or teach or to serve his specific intentions. If you're born again look at your own life examine your past,pray, and let the Holy Spirit of God show you how many times you should have been dead, but he allowed you to live for a reason. That reason is for you to serve him as in verse 31 of chapter 28.A prayer:My Heavenly Father, I thank you this morning for bringing back to me, the remembrance of my past. All the close calls with death and persecution. Yet you helped me shake those things off so I could serve you. Amen, and bless you for reading my blogs.
AND I ADD.........
From the London Baptist confession 1689. The Supreme judge by which all controversies of religion, are to be determined, and all decrees of councils, opinions of ancient writers, doctrines of men,and private spirits, are to be examined and in whose sentence we are to rest,can be no other but the Holy Scripture, delivered by the Spirit, into which scripture so delivered, our faith is finally resolved. You can reference this in Matthew chapter 22 vs 29 31 + 32. Or Ephesians chapter 2 verse 20. Or Acts chapter 28 verse 23. My brethren many things can be taken from the scriptures. But my favorite is Acts chapter 28 verse 23. I will be brief in my description but you need to read the entire chapter 28 of the book of Acts. Verse 23 says so when they had set a day with him, they came in large numbers to his lodging. And he fully set forth and explained the matter to them from morning until night, testifying to the kingdom of God, and trying to persuade them concerning Jesus, both from the law of Moses, and from the Prophets. I will bring up a point or two. In our busy world today Most Christian's work. Some are full-time pastors, retired workers etc. I say we need to take whatever time we have,explaining the Gospel, and teaching the story. The Heavenly Father through his Holy Spirit,has given us from the beginning, Genesis to Revelation. I must mention there was much success when the Apostle Paul did this. But I must remind everyone that there is always some resistance, some adversity. I will add verse 24 of the 28 chapter of the book of Acts. Quote... And some were convinced and believe what he said, and others did not believe. Regardless of whether someone believes or not, it does not change your personal belief or your personal Faith and Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. You must continue on. The perfect example of that is the fact that the writers of the London Baptist confession 1689... Were some of the Founding Fathers of these great United States. That was many years ago, and their Faith and Trust in the Lord, and their Faith being resolved by reading the scripture, has reached this far into the future and touched a soul such as mine. And it can touch the souls of all the millions and millions who are still unbelievers in Christ. A prayer... Dear Heavenly Father, this morning with all of my heart I pray for a young man whose name you and I know. A young 30 year old man who says you are a fairytale. I know that in this world today there are millions who feel the same way as he. But, I put my trust in you and I ask you, in Jesus Christ name to continue to draw to you all these people to you, through your Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit amen.Thank you,for the blessing to my life, you guys give me by reading my blogs.
The Book of Psalms chapter 34 vs19 + 20. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all he keeps all his bones not one of them is broken. I would like to speak about the first half of that scripture. No doubt I'm speaking to everyone on this planet. This scripture is absolutely correct. Every human in their lifetime has many afflictions. And just because you're born again does not prevent you from having afflictions. But this scripture very strongly lets us know that the Lord is watching and he knows what we are suffering and he will Deliver Us from all. Not just a few but from all. A prayer... Your heavenly father this morning I thank thee for this great promise. You lift my heart and strengthen my trust in you. I do not have to go to man for the answers, but I can come boldly to the throne of grace, and ask for help. I claim this scripture for all those who believe on your son Jesus Christ, and in his name I have requested in prayer certain things for certain people this morning. Amen. Thank you for reading my blogs... God bless.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Good morning.Mans ignorant education.Without Faith it is impossible to please God.Seems the more we read books other than the Bible we see a decrease in over all attendance in local churches.Could be people who leave church,or refuse to ever go,are simply not born again,or lack the courage to be orderly in their opposition to church leadership,or they could be way to timid and fear controversy. Lets start here. What is Faith?
Hebrews chapter 11.....Now Faith is the assurance(title,deed,confirmation)of things hoped for(divinely guaranteed)and the evidence of things not seen{the conviction of their reality-faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by physical senses} THIS IS FROM THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE,HEBREWS CHAPTER 1:VERSE 1.
This should silence the overdone explanations of how to read,study,or discern the HOLY BIBLE.Pick it up read it. If you have an Hebrews chapter 11 completely.If you have not this kind of faith,then your not gonna have a chance to comprehend. I do not care what kind of degree book writers have these days,if the Father has not drawn people to him,through his HOLY SPIRIT,your book is of no avail.There is no other book that is inspired by the Holy Spirit other than the (HOLY BIBLE)We cannot substitute the indwelling of the Holy Ghost by reading every book in the world on the subject of the Bible. The thief on the cross beside Christ had no Scriptural education. Was not baptized,not a member of the local church,not a preacher,teacher in church. Yet his Faith at that moment of death,gave him the best ride into the Lords heavenly Kingdom anyone could ever experience.He never read any books on how to approach the Lord in order to be saved.Guess what? 51 YEARS AGO i had heard the Gospel,and watched and listened to some church goers,and decided i wanted to test this pray to God in secret and he will reward you openly stuff.I was drawn by the Holy Ghost to my knees in a very tiny bathroom in a family members house....secretly.I ask the heavenly Father in Christ name to save my soul.He did.I was 11 almost 12 years of age.No formal education.No famous or wanna be famous authors explaining how to study God's word,first.Am i bashing help books? Of course i am,if the Holy spirit has not drawn your heart to the Lord,and you have not repented of your sin,then all the books are gonna do you no good.I am just saying,you cannot educate yourself into Gods Kingdom.Unless you begin with humility toward God first,your in trouble. When the Holy Spirit draws a person,Humility follows behind very quickly.Trust the Holy Spirit.....the Lord!I am not bashing education,but instead i am lifting up Jesus and the power of his salvation toward all mankind.Be born again first,then the lord will guide you. Trust Gods divine Word first.Then you can objectively
read other books.A prayer: Dear Heavenly Father,You alone are my rock and salvation. If i had but 2 words left to declare.....i would say "I BELIEVE" Amen. Thank you for reading by blogs.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
How many times have Christians been called ignorant,unintelligent,stupid? Since the beginning,and even until this day it is so.Yet many things have been revealed to the little children and the least of the earth.What Christ has said about it? "I praise you,Father,Lord of heaven and earth,for hiding these things from wise and intelligent people and revealing them to little children" "Yes,Father,this is what pleased you" These are Christ words.(MATTHEW CHAPTER 11:VERSES 25,26)
He tells us this makes God happy.Could it be the arrogance of the educated? The humility of the children and most of the uneducated of the world? Is uneducated the correct word to use? I am positive its the humility.Remember ye wise men,and over educated zealots of the world,(1st Corinthians 1:18-31)Do not think more highly of yourselves than you should!(Romans 12:3)Get an education,but never think your smarter than The Lord.Maybe He want hide things from you.A prayer: Lord i love you this morning,and i am street smart,and God Smart! I do not think more highyly of myself than i should.Thank you for revealing things to me through your Holy Spirit.Amen. Thnx for the reading of my blogs.
John came neither eating nor drinking,and people say,There's a demon in him!The son of man came eating and drinking,and people say,Look at Him!He's a glutton and a drunk,a friend of tax collectors and sinners!Yet,wisdom is proved right by it's actions.{MATTHEW CHAPTER 11:VERSE 18}
This is the way man sees things. Everywhere in life. Your apparent friends one day,then a sudden switch and your Allies are now your attackers.Welcome to the real world.Even Jesus was confronted by this insanity of man.The plain truth here,is that regardless of our efforts,there will be opposition.Stand for Christ,your opposed,do not speak up,your opposed.Another example,preachers preaching the church needs workers,then workers appear,then they are attacked from behind by people who are jealous and power thirsty.Yes in the little and huge churches.And before unbelievers get real excited,yes this same thing goes on daily in the business world.In social clubs etc.I believe this is one of the very first things all humans learn as their brains,and opinions develop growing up.
I learned how to handle this as a young leader and manager of business and people. I learned about it earlier.As a business man i realized that i had to do what i felt was fair and right,regardless of the opposition.Yet it made me think long and hard about what to do in any single situation.Human nature is to capitulate when under fire from opposition! That's why to this day, i say most people are not leaders.Most are followers.
I have spoken mostly about the world of business. Yet this principle must be looked at from the eyes of the Lord himself.If you expect to make everyone your friend as you serve in church,then your in for a big surprise.Everything we set out to do in church,should be with whats profitable to the gospel.Do not compromise Gods word, let him lead you.When i speak of profitable, i mean what lends power to the edifying of the church body.Christ first,church body second.Be at peace with one another.Encourage your pastors and teachers and deacons,and trustees,and all church staff and members to love one another.Tell your teachers and preachers to Remember this 18th verse of Matthew chapter 11. People are always going to oppose.Let the Lord lead. When you have ideas,people will rebel.But do not be petty and sulk.The lord knows your motives and your heart. Stand your ground,and be confident in the Lord. Read this scripture again! You see what the creator of all life,and the redeemer of mans soul has said about it. If you cannot stand the heat,then you WILL get out of the kitchen.Do not do that. Mans very soul is at stake.ISAIAH CHAPTER 5:VERSE 14-24) Hell enlarges herself daily.a PRAYER:Dear Heavenly Father,give us courage,the battle is yours ,we are just the messenger.In Jesus name we pray....AMEN.Thanks very much for reading my blogs.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
If i am not at this moment without Christ,it is only because Christ Jesus would have his will with me,and that will was that i should be with Him where He is,and should share His glory.I can put the crown nowhere but upon the head of Him whose mighty grace has saved me from going down in the Pit.These were the words of the famous preacher teacher,Charles H. Spurgeon.Yes,this is true with any believer,as they examine their lives. I like Spurgeon,was saved at an early age,and as i look back on my life,i feel the same way.Learning what i have about the personality of the Heavenly Father, the saving Grace He has shown is very apparent."The grace of faith,whereby the elect are enabled to believe to the saving of their souls,is the work of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts,and is ordinarily wrought by the ministry of the Word;by which also,and by the administration of baptism and the Lords supper,prayer,and other means appointed of God,it is increased and strengthened"(from the puritan confessions of faith.)References 2 Corinthians 4:13; Ephesians 2:18;Romans 10:14,17;Luke 17:5; 1st Peter 2:2; Acts 20:32)References also from the Puritan London Baptist Confessions of Faith,the year of our Lord 1689.
Therefore hath the Lord recompensed me according to my righteousness,according to the cleanness of my hands in his eyesight.With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful;with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright;with the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure;and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward.(KJV)Psalms chapter 18:verses 24,25,26)Am i difficult to deal with. Well you could say yes i am.
King David was speaking here,about being difficult with the Lord.Anything the Lord has us to do.Somewhat similar, as the world calls it ,but with the Lord it is certainly foolish.
Verse 31 of that same chapter.......For who is God save the Lord? or who is a rock save our God.Hard to deal with and contrary to anything the Lord ask. That is not a safe place to be,especially if one is lost,not saved.Being contrary to God,and then hard to deal with is another way to say it.When we do this....this scripture says The Lord will do it right back.Wow!The Lord is clever. A prayer: Oh Lord my God,help me not be contrary,or froward with you.There is none other likened unto you.You pay me back with what i pay.I love you the name of JESUS CHRIST YOUR SON I ASK THESE THINGS . Amen and thanks for reading my blog.
From The Book of Psalms chapter 19 beginning with verse 7 ending with verse 10. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul, the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statues of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous all together. More to be desired are they than gold, yea than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Our Puritan founding fathers wrote this: all things in Scripture are not alike plain in themselves,nor alike clear unto all;yet those things which are necessary to be known,believed and observed for salvation,are so clearly propounded and opened in some place of scripture or other,that not only the learned,but the unlearned,in a due use of ordinary means,may attain to a sufficient understanding of them.References.2nd Peter 3:16.Psalms 19:7.Psalms119:130. If I possessed all the property of the world and all of the money of the world or all the jewels the world possesses,i wood above all men be the poorest soul an eternity without Christ and his written word.A prayer:Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you for your written word. The more I read, the more I learn about you and the effect you have on men's lives and on their souls. I regret I only have one life on this Earth to live for you.Amen. thank you deeply for reading my blogs.
The authority of the Holy scripture for which it ought to be believed dependeth not upon the testimony of any man or church, but wholly upon God, the author thereof, therefore it is to be received because it is the word of God. 2nd Peter 1:19 through 21. 2 Timothy 3:16,2 Thessalonians 2:13, 1 John 5:9.Thes words were from puritans who settled the Massachusetts colony in the new world.In our soceity today,false doctrines,phoney religions,and the religion of atheism,are lieing to our children.These beliefs were exactly what America was founded upon.No other phoney belief.Start teaching your children now.Push back on any school that teaches otherwise.Resist the devil and he will flee from you.No change.
TAKE our nation back.A prayer:Dear Heavenly Father, I realize that by honoring the Holy Bible that is your word, and understanding it is infallible can transform our souls and our lives and our country. Amen, thanks for reading my blogs.
Good morning. As I walk through this life and listen to some people... Or watch television and listen to some successful people speaking. They speak of their success and they always say things such as you know,"just like we all do". Well that could be partially true but it's time we look at it a different way. Our founding fathers... And I mean before The Constitution was written or before the colonies became a country. They were Godly people and they made it very clear what they believed and where they stood,concerning life. They believed the Holy Scripture was the only sufficient, certain, and infallible, rule of all saving knowledge faith and obedience. They made it clear that man's Wisdom and his human nature was not good enough. They believe the word of God... The Bible... was the only thing that was sufficient to give knowledge of God ,and his will, which is necessary unto salvation. It is time man stops believing man. Our thoughts and our ways do not present us,with salvation of our souls. Man's way,can only partially enhance the Flesh. Does nothing to save the soul. 2nd Timothy 3: 15 through 17. Isaiah 8:20 Luke 16:29 Ephesians 2:20 and many more scriptures speak about this point. It's time to stop making excuses. If we want real answers, well you must search the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation. There is so much wealth in these books that were inspired by the Holy spirit of God that our minds and our hearts cannot consume it all.It is a terrible act to gamble with your soul.Seek the Lord while he may be found.Today is the day for your Salvation.The Holy Bible...the only devine inspiration.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Dear Heavenly Holy Father.Before i sleep,i have worshipped you.My sin covered by Christ shed blood.
I am sanctified,and made righteous in your eyes,
Because of Christ new covenant.I praise and worship you,with all i can muster.I pray for every nation
And their salvation.Your grace is sufficient for us to last till the end.Goodnight world,from AMERICA.
AMEN.Thanks for reading my blog.tub
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Jeremiah chapter 16 beginning with verse 15. But, the Lord liveth that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the North and from all the lands whether he had driven them and I will bring them again and to their land that I gave in to their fathers. Behold I will send for many Fishers saith the Lord and they shall fish them and after will I send for many hunters and they shall hunt them from Every Mountain and from every Hill and out of the holes of the rocks. For mine eyes are upon all their ways. They are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity it from mine eyes. And 1st I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double because they have defiled my land they have filled mine inheritance with the carcasses of their detestable and abominable things. Oh Lord my strength and my Fortress and my refuge in the day of affliction, the gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the Earth, and she'll say surely our fathers have inherited vanity and things therein there is no profit. Shall man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods? Therefore behold I will this once, cause them to know, I will cause them to know my hand and my Might, and they shall know that my name is the Lord.KJV.
The lords eyes are upon all of us.Our sin is not hid from him.The lord will recompense for sin.DOUBLE.Many generations today,have inherited
Lies,vanity, things that have not profited us. Yet we have made on to ourselves gods,that are not truly gods.Lord....cause us to know thine hand and might.Cause us to know your name is THE LORD.AMEN.Thanks for reading my blog.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
The following scripture is from the God's word translation beginning with 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 13. Place yourselves under the authority of human governments to please the Lord. Obey the emperor. He holds the highest position of authority. Also obey governors. They are the people the emperor has sent to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right. God wants you to silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing what is right. Live as Free People but don't hide behind your freedom when you do evil. Instead your freedom to serve God you should use it. Honor everyone. Love your brothers and sisters in the faith. Fear God. Honor the emperor. That ended with verse 17.Wow...look at verse 16 again.Do not hide behind your freedom when you do evil.Next time groups get paid to start riots in our streets,think about that.Its a disgrace.Their only goal is to do evil,then attack law and order.People looking for ratings which translate into dollars flock to the scene.They to encourage the lawlessness.As much as in within us, citizens,we must try to respect authority.The Bible says we will silence ignorant people by doing whats right.My Prayer:Dear Heavenly Father, this is very hard to do but it can be done and will be done by me, as much as humanly possible. In my country we haveaway to express our concerns one way is to vote and freedom of speech is another. Amen and thanks for reading my blogs.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Just a short thank you for those people in 10 or more countries reading my blogs today.The wonderful thing about Jesus is, he redeemed us all back to God Almighty.I am American and proud of it. But i am more proud of my Lord and savior JESUS CHRIST. And we all should be.There is none other as he.He is the way the truth and the life.Thank all you for taking the time to read my blogs.Remember verse 6 of James chapter 4. God opposes arrogance but he is kind to humble people.Bless you all.
Good afternoon,from the 4th chapter of the book of James verses 1 thru 6.
From whence come wars and fightings among you?come they not hence,even of your lust that war in your members?Ye lust and ye have not:ye kill and desire to have,and cannot obtain:ye fight and war,ye have not,because ye ask not.Ye ask,and receive not,because ye ask amiss,that ye may consume it upon your lust.Ye adulterers and adulteresses,know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.Do you think that the scripture saith in vain,the spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy? But he giveth more grace.Wherefore he saith,God resisteth the proud,but giveth grace unto the humble.(KJV).
We pray with the wrong motives in our hearts.If we entangle ourselves in the lust of our flesh then carry it out in our walk among the world,then we are at enmity with Almighty God.Hebrews chapter 10:verse 31. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God.Please do not go there.Be humble toward God. And he will lift you up.Amen. Thanks for reading.God bless.My prayer.Dear Lord help me Humble toward you,and not the issues or the world.Just you my redeemer.
brothers and sisters, be patient until the Lord comes again. See how Farmers wait for their precious crops To grow. Do not give up hope. Little Lord will soon be here. Brothers and sisters stop complaining about each other or you will be condemned. Realize that the judge is standing at the door.(GW) the scripture from the book of James chapter 5 vs 10 + 11. My prayer: Heavenly Father I promise I will not give up hope. I realized my frailties and that I am the sinner who can not always control my sin. This is an earnest prayer. I depend on you always for my support. You have never refused me nor let me down.AMEN.THNX AND BLESS U FOR reading my blogs.
So place yourselves under God's Authority. Resist the devil and he will run away from you. Come close to God and he will come close to you. Clean up your lives you sinners, and clear your mind you doubters. Be miserable mourn and cry. Turn your laughter into mourning and your joy into Gloom. Humble yourselves in the Lord's presence. Then he will give you a high position. Put yourself under God's Authority and resist the devil and watch him flee. The above scripture is from the book of James chapter 4 vs 7 thru 10. (Gw)A prayer: Father,help me resist the devil,honor my faith and humilty.Amen.Thnx 4 reading.
You were once dead because of your failures and your uncircumcised corrupt nature. But God Made You Alive with Christ when he forgave all our failures. He did this by erasing the charges that were brought against us by the written laws God has established. He took the charges away by nailing them to the cross. He stripped the rulers and authorities of all their power and made a public spectacle of them as he celebrated his victory in Christ. GW. The book of Colossians chapter 2 vs 13 through 15. What a wonderful explanation for what actually occurred by the death burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It shows us the power the Lord has over all creation. What he can do and what we cannot do for ourselves and for this reason you should read verses 16 through 20. You will see that because of this you do not have to allow non believers to tell you how to live. This simply means you have died to the worlds way of doing things. Amen and thanks for reading my blogs. A prayer: dear Heavenly Father you made me alive by doing away with the charges against me for my sin. You stripped every Authority over me,of all their power.AMEN.So be it.
Monday, May 2, 2016
I am happy to suffer for you now. In my body I am completing whatever remains of Christ suffering. I am doing this on behalf of his body, the church, I became a servant of the church when God gave me the work of telling you his entire message. In the past, God had this mystery, but now he has revealed it to his people. God wanted his people throughout the world to know the Glorious Riches of this mystery. Which Christ Living in you, giving you the hope of glory. We spread the message about Christ as we instruct and teach everyone with all wisdom there is. We want to present everyone as mature Christian people. I work hard and struggle to do this while his mighty power Works in me. These words come from Colossians chapter 1 beginning with verse 24 and ending with verse 29. These words were from, the God's Word translation an vetted by the KJV. Notice verse 28 the Apostle Paul said in the King James Version, whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. Awesome.Paul admits this is a very physically tough thing to do.He even refers to it as suffering.I read a responsive prayer that actually said something i needed to hear.
It said....Lord,teach me,train me,to be happy when i suffer.Oh my,how we still need this from him.I HAVE HEARD,of men,and women,born again,WASHED IN THE BLOOD,who actually faced with a terminal diagnosis,that looked at the doctors and said,and i quote,CAN WE PRAY TOGETHER TO CHRIST.Oh my....what trust and confidence. Confidence in their faith and love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh to be that person! A prayer: Dear Heavenly Father in Jesus name, I pray that no matter what amount of suffering that I have to go through, that you will indeed teach me, and train me, and give me happiness as I suffer. Amen
good morning again. The following scripture the book of Colossians chapter 1 beginning with the verse 21 ending with verse 23. Once you were separated from God. The evil things you did showed your hostile attitude. But now Christ has brought you back to God my dying in his physical body. He did this so that you could come into God's presence without sin or fault or blame. This is on the condition that you continue in faith without being moved from the solid foundation of the hope that the good news contains. You have heard this good news of which I Paul became a servant. It has been spread throughout all creation under heaven. I will emphasize that this scripture was from the God's word translation. Fact check by the KJV. I continue stressing the word came not come. Came definitely to me refers to where I once was and where you once were. If you use the word come that implies that you are still in the former state. Paul makes it clear in this writing that you are no longer there. He just really stresses how our evil attitudes change when we follow Christ. Christ enabled us to do this by dying and his physical body. Now obviously without sin, without fault, or being blamed for any of it. This is a very strong statement. That all of us and our sinful States have much difficulty comprehending. But remember it's not by our own doings. We do not have the power. These are very powerful words given to the Apostle Paul by the Lord himself. Remember Paul was a murderer of Christians a horrible persecutor. Until he fell to his knees in the presence of Christ himself on the road to Damascus. His life was transformed and I believe because of that, persecution of Christians, he had To die. I know that it's in the scripture, but that is another sermon. When you come to Christ all things in your soul will change therefore things in your flesh will change as well. Your desires will change... Your Temptation will not go away but Christ can lead you away from them before they turn into sin. This is a blessed hope that the Apostle Paul was writing about in the scriptures. If ever there has been a time on this planet, that this hope needs to translate into faith in Christ, it is now.A PRAYER: dear Heavenly Father I am thankful beyond words that this word has been spread throughout all creation under heaven. Amen and thank you for reading my blogs.
The book of Colossians chapter 2,begginning with verse 1 ending with verse 5. The Apostle Paul writes I want you to know how hard I work for you for the people of laodicea and for the people I have never met.because they are united in love, I work so that they may be encouraged by all the riches that come from a complete understanding of Christ. He is the mystery of God. God had hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Christ. I say this so that no one will mislead you with arguments that merely sound good. Although I'm absent from you physically I'm with you in spirit. I'm happy to see how orderly you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.oh my,how awesome it is,to preach Gods words firmly,doctrinally,soundly,and watch the effect the Holy Spirit has on souls.How he turns confusion,misdirection into ORDER!
Stand firm as you pray without ceasing,and do not allow your joy in Christ to be destroyed...or hidden.To those i write,i am absent as well, from you in the flesh.And i am so happy to know of your faith and joy in Jesus.I am so proud to see you engage in orderly worship together.A Prayer: good morning Heavenly Father I am joyful beyond comprehension that you have given everything over to Christ. I thank you for every born again Christian that shares with me the joy that comes from the faith we have in you.AMEN,And God bless you for reading my blogs.
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