Thursday, May 19, 2016


Another short message to you today. In the book of Acts chapter 28 we read about the Apostle Paul on an island getting bitten. I presume by snake. The natives of the island watched as Paul shook off this snake from his hand where he had been bitten. The natives waited patiently for the Apostle Paul to swell up and drop dead. This scripture begins with the verse one of chapter 28 ends at verse 5. As you read drop down to the last verse ,verse 31. Preaching to them the kingdom of God and teaching them about the Lord Jesus Christ with boldness and quite openly, and without being molested or hindered. This my friends is what happens when God has called you to preach or teach or to serve his specific intentions. If you're born again look at your own life examine your past,pray, and let the Holy Spirit of God show you how many times you should have been dead, but he allowed you to live for a reason. That reason is for you to serve him as in verse 31 of chapter 28.A prayer:My Heavenly Father, I thank you this morning for bringing back to me, the remembrance of my past. All the close calls with death and persecution. Y
et you helped me shake those things off so I could serve you. Amen, and bless you for reading my blogs.

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