Monday, May 2, 2016


good morning again. The following scripture the book of Colossians chapter 1 beginning with the verse 21 ending with verse 23. Once you were separated from God. The evil things you did showed your hostile attitude. But now Christ has brought you back to God my dying in his physical body. He did this so that you could come into God's presence without sin or fault or blame. This is on the condition that you continue in faith without being moved from the solid foundation of the hope that the good news contains. You have heard this good news of which I Paul became a servant. It has been spread throughout all creation under heaven. I will emphasize that this scripture was from the God's word translation. Fact check by the KJV. I continue stressing the word came not come. Came definitely to me refers to where I once was and where you once were. If you use the word come that implies that you are still in the former state. Paul makes it clear in this writing that you are no longer there. He just really stresses how our evil attitudes change when we follow Christ. Christ enabled us to do this by dying and his physical body. Now obviously without sin, without fault, or being blamed for any of it. This is a very strong statement. That all of us and our sinful States have much difficulty comprehending. But remember it's not by our own doings. We do not have the power. These are very powerful words given to the Apostle Paul by the Lord himself. Remember Paul was a murderer of Christians a horrible persecutor. Until he fell to his knees in the presence of Christ himself on the road to Damascus. His life was transformed and I believe because of that, persecution of Christians, he had To die. I know that it's in the scripture, but that is another sermon. When you come to Christ all things in your soul will change therefore things in your flesh will change as well. Your desires will change... Your Temptation will not go away but Christ can lead you away from them before they turn into sin. This is a blessed hope that the Apostle Paul was writing about in the scriptures. If ever there has been a time on this planet, that this hope needs to translate into faith in Christ, it is now.A PRAYER: dear Heavenly Father I am thankful beyond words that this word has been spread throughout all creation under heaven. Amen and thank you for reading my blogs.

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