Saturday, April 29, 2017


This afternoon Jesus is my shepherd,the one i listen to. The one and only i respond to. Any other i flee from.Ya think so? well not. I have been foolish for years leaning on my understanding that i could help God out by leaning to my understanding and part of that was being sure (so i thought) that i could do his work in my life by myself.In other words not waiting on Him and what he actually planned for me.This story this morning is about that subject.The results of it. Look at chapter 10 of the book of John the Gospel.I will start by saying something odd to you. Are you out there in this world,with a changed life,after many years of sin,disobedience,doing God's will your way? Has your family shunned you publicly,yet privately they say they love you,yet they act as if you had a disease that might rub off on them.You watch them and they seem to have time for everything except you.You go see them,they are very nice,treat you well but yet if you do not extend yourself towards them,you will never see or hear from them.Let me say this...i have experienced this,i will not lie.But i have the remedy to this.FORGIVE. It is what should drive you.Get close to God and when you do He will tell you, you do not have to focus on that.Focus on Him(CHRIST).Let the Holy Spirit Clean your act up.Your life is your testimony and that my friends includes your bad past.Case in point,Sampson,Moses,Paul,King Saul,King David,and the list can go on and on.You must forgive.I did not say just an apology,i said forgive.You must be sincere,holding no grudges.By doing so,you will be victorious in your Christian walk.You will also love your family even more,and guess what? will not have to chase them.This goes for anyone you feel hurt by,and then you truly forgive them.Then watch God open up doors to serve Him.Do not play with God,you must be sincere and accepting of God leading you through life.Other issues will arise ,but follow the same practice. Remember, forgiving is an on going thing.You will always be required to do this. It will keep you on your knees,humble before God,but it will free your soul of issues you do not need to carry around as baggage.You will have peace with God.You will be used of God.Wow!!! Stop following strangers.Flee from them,and you will if your saved.John chapter 10:vss 4 and 5.Please read it.My Prayer: Heavenly Father.draw all people to you through your Holy Spirit.Amen.

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