Monday, June 22, 2015
Some true thoughs on todays news stories. Listen up and wrap your mind around this if possible.Way to many PC people in our country.They are hypocrits I MEANthe flag of the confederacy. What the heck does that have to do with the killing in South Carolina??Thats just for cowards who are haters them selves and race baitors and to rally around something they think will be an automatic victory. Listen up,Some people have wrapped themselves around this precious confederate flag,hid behind it in order to have something to fight for.This idea that all lovers of that dixie flag are haters and condone killings...are you stupid or what?I dont have to accept your ignorant beliefs and accusations and i will never.
You ignorant folks act like morons just as bad as the kkk,or the black muslims,or queer folks attacking christians.WOW!
The civil war was over in 1865. You morons need to get over it.Slavery was not the idea of the south. In FACT why do you not tell radical people of color the same thing you tell these white haters of jews and blacks? Because your morons.
Name calling lmbo. You less than men or less than women......why don't you call for the demise of the BLACK Flag of ISIS,denounce the black muslim organizations? it's evident that you guys have mental instability. Or the doctor dropped you all on your heads when you were born.Do you expect to allow blacks to rant kill whitey,his wife and his kids,and not have some sort of back lash? ur idiots. I hate my beloved confederate flag being raised up by haters like the kkk. And i detest and defy you liberal whackos attacking this flag saying all it stood for was racism. You bunch od doe does...! You stupid talking morons.Am i pissed ? yes! But i have guns and i have no intentions of using them except in self defense.Your so big on guys want even do anything about the radical haters of law and order stomping on our OLD Glory.Why? Because you say its their right. Well big dummies its my right to be proud of the confederate flag.So shut up,and go back to your rooms like the little punks you are. You know what the FLAG of the USA. Stands for? It stands for every thing you are against. Biblical marriage,personal independence,christianity,and what happened to the fact that you haters of the south for over a hundred years made blacks go to the back of eating establishments,go to separate schools. What about the fact that you guys had aweful protest in Boston Mass. over mixing white students with black students.Oh also you atheist or believers in false doctrine folks,or coom by ya types,who ask would Jesus be upset,or would jesus say what u say,or crap like that....? You guys dont believe in hell,u dont even realize that the same jesus that hung on that cross is coming back to judge. And my previous post quoted scripture about what kind of judgement.You dont even repent from your own sins yet ur quick to point out the sins of those that disagree with you.Hypocrits and vipers you are!All men and women have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Stop twisting ur stupid beliefs and twisting the meanings of flags unless you include the black flags,and old glory.The country was a different place in the 1860's and the idea of the federal Government,without warning demanding that half the nation they invented just get rid of their labour force was rediculous. The nation was in a pickle.Lincoln had different idea about what to do with the slaves when freed. He had members of congress
researching other countrys to send them to.He even said it would not be a good idea to intergrate negroes into white soceity.In the 1960's people railed against non violent officials that believed in segregation. Calling them racist bigots to this day.Non of these leaders ever advocated hanging,shooting or murdering negroes. none of them.The kkk. and other groups(hate) took matters in their own hands.Its wrong.
I was a young man when GEORGE WALLACE WAS GOVERNOR OF ALABAMA AND I COULD NOT STAND HIM. But i have learned i was wrong. I was wrong about Lester Maddox of Georgia as well.And to prove it......just look at the crime in our inner cities,Most of it black on black.Wallace was proud that the state of ALABAMA had all black colleges etc. Millions spent on them by the state.Oh but the out of staters demanded it change.Something u guys better learn. Southerners dont take it lightly when yankees bounce in here and tell us what to do.You are free to try,but you better pack a lunch cause your gonna get a fight.I have defended the rights of The USA for a long time,our founding Fathers included.Then u morons attack that,u hated Reagan,You hate donald trump and he is a yankee,you hate cruz and Huckabee because they are christians.You hate your own military that defends our interest and lives. The list is long. Demand ISIS be destroyed along with their black flag,and all haters of Jews should be shamed for what they say and do to Israel.Talk about the Rebel Flag?? lmbo. You guys want even defend our nation of the USA. So retreet to ur on back yard. All angry southerners don't sit in church and then kill the church memebers. Get over it .
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