Tuesday, June 2, 2015


THIS IS FOR ATHEIST THAT SPEW LIES ABOUT THEIR BELIEF IN THEMSELVES IS NOT A RELIGION.college professers spewing that the almighty is a myth.Drawing their hand tied students into the sin of unbelief.Just look at american sports,all the medias college grads with their know it all attitudes. Never regarding the lord or the works of his hands.Listen up,most of the world will not accept GOD OR HIS SON. Wisdom and common sense are not taught in Any American schools,at least not the public schools anyway."WOE UNTO THEM CALL EVIL GOOD ,AND GOOD EVIL;THAT PUT DARKNESS FOR LIGHT,AND LIGHT FOR DARKNESS;THAT PUT BITTER FOR SWEET,AND SWEET FOR BITTER!WOE UNTO THEM THAT ARE WISE IN THEIR OWN EYES,AND PRUDENT IN THEIR OWN SIGHT!WOE UNTO THEM THAT ARE MIGHTY TO DRINK WINE,AND MEN OF STRENGHTH TO MINGLE STRONG DRINK.WHICH JUSTIFY THE WICKED FOR FOR REWARD,AND TAKE AWAY THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RIGHTEOUS FROM HIM! (ISAIAH CHAPTER 5: VERSES 18 THRU 23.)(All these things were and have been done since the beginning. Yet millions and perhaps billions of souls do this still to each other. And they risk spending eternity in hell all because of wrong thinking and the love of their sin.Drinking ,drug use,sexual perversion,unnatural customs,killing babies,etc. All are practiced and actually bragged on in America today.Observing the media yesterday,Fox news programs not one spoke out against a former american world athelete becoming in the flesh.....a women.They all bragged.Including Bill O'Reily on fox thinks this is something no one should speak out against.Actually to be fair he said he believed no one should comment.Ok,just his show and all of fox news. Cant tell the difference in CNN and Fox some times.

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