Sunday, June 21, 2015

Stop picking and choosing.

Message to all who can't seem to wrap thier heads around why many southerners still like the confederate flag.Start with this,FREEDOM,the right to be proud of your heritage.Listening to the media,and liberals screaming its ok to be proud of being black,but not a white southerner.If i am proud of my heritage,im a bigot,a racist etc. If a negroe is proud of his Heritage,that is proudly displayed all over Television and the air waves.WOW.To call me names,profile me,but i cant profile the stupidist thing ive ever heard.No nation,no person is free of profiling.ANYBODY that spews that crap is ignorant.And have been deceived.Liberals have turned into nazi's.Black race baiters snd white Predjudiced people are trying to dictate to all Americans how to live.I plead with all southerners Black and white to be rational.You dont have to kill people to express ur beliefs.Yes it happens. I must say this....This kid in SC.Usa sees all the negroe disrespect for authority,its right there in your face all over TV.This kid has had bad times with negroes. I suspect much has been withheld about his motives.Its obvious that when a guy who Steals from a store,intimidates the owner, Then he and his buddies walk down the middle of the street,cpo ask them to move,the guy trys to hurt the cop,then turns around to attack the cop again,he gets shot dead.The city was burned,and And days of Tv coverage honoring the dead negroe Saying how great a man he was.The travon martin garbage,once again glorifying the negroe kid,ignoring the facts,or the jury determination. Then the reports of negroe kids crashing white pool party's and being agressive with cops.Then the negroe leaders in baltimore showing no respect for police,and allowing the city to be burned by negroes. THEN theres the everyday life issues that every White person has had to deal with concerning BLACK PRIVILEDE.To answer people like Sharpton and the media....your right ...hate want win.YOU teach ur kids to hate my kids and all whites.YOU and the Media are at fault for what happened in SOUTH CAROLINA.Negroes are never satisfied. Whats sad is The whites of the south in the 1960's were correct Abraham Lincoln was correct,the wallace and lester maddox's were correct.I never thought id live to sgree with segregationist but i do now.As for the flag....u bunch of evil negroes and shermanist White people....leave our flag alone.You attack Southern heritage you attack good people and you do not practice what u preach.Your hypocrits in the purest sense.Two faced.As i write TV spewing out lies and denials.WOW.Stop the killing by all.Now all the unrepresentative Presidential folks jumping on the flag issue. See this is what that kid was seeing.He sees that what he did was defending his race. Somebody needed to tell him,that killing was not needed to get your point across.YOU horrible wussie boot lickers are at fault,stop using deaths to further yer causes. GET my causes off ur list please.FYI:You will never get rid of the the confederate flag.NEVER.Sales are going to escalate,and more people need to remember that many love the rebel flag do not advocate cold blooded murder.

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