Sunday, December 13, 2015


As we celebrate this Christmas remember why we celebrate. ALL WE LIKE SHEEP HAVE GONE ASTRAY;WE HAVE TURNED EVERYONE TO HIS OWN WAY;AND THE LORD HAS LAID ON HIM THE INIQUITY OF US ALL.(ISAIAH CHAPTER 53 VERSE 6) Every time we well up in a fit of rage or something or somebody,just bow that knee in your souls heart and give it to Jesus. He is waiting. Someone may be treating you bad,or you watch them act in an ungodly way even in church. Yet get alone with the Father and invoke the name of Jesus and hand it over to him to handle it.Keep your eyes on him....not the pain.The Heavenly Father gave it all to Jesus anyway. Because he knew we cannot handle it. And he was as usual correct.He took upon himself all our sin. Yes even the petty ones. Prayer: DEAR HEAVENLY FATHER,I COME TO YOU TODAY AND PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME,AND I THANK YOU FOR SENDING CHRIST TO SPARE ALL OF US FROM A SURE ETERNAL DEATH AND SEPARATION FROM YOU.NOTHING COMPARES WITH THE PRICE YOU PAID. BUT YOUR COMING BACK AND I AM WAITING FOR YOU.FATHER I DESERVED THAT BEATING THAT DAY,THAT BEATING THAT WAS SO TERRIBLE THAT IT DISFIGURED YOU.IT HUMBLES ME TO KNOW THAT YOU DID THAT IN MY PLACE SO I COULD LIVE WITH YOU FOREVER.

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