Tuesday, December 1, 2015


ACTS CHAPTER 4:VERSES 23 THRU 26. Do we dare wait til times get so hard on each of us,to call desperately upon the Lord. Do we dare pray expecting Gods righteous arm to sweep across our land and subdue our enemies.In this story Peter and John were released from the grip of Jewish leaders and went and told other believers what all the Priest and leaders had said to them. When they heard the Bible says they were united and loudly prayed to God. They said these things. "Master,you made the sky,the land,the sea,and everything in them"You said through the Holy Spirit,who spoke through your servant David(our ancestor) quote....Why do the nations act arrogantly? Why do their people devise useless plots? Kings take their stands .Rulers plans together against the Lord and his Messiah" These men prayed ,ask God to allow them to speak his word boldly.They ask him to perform miracles through the holy name of Jesus.IN verse 31 of this chapter notice "When the apostles had finished praying,their meeting place shook. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God boldly. We must press on,but we cannot do it without much prayer,all with the same purpose,and then The Lord will fill us with his Spirit and on we march. Our prayers will be answered. THE lORD'S HOUSE WILL BE FILLED,SOULS WILL BE SAVED.hOW DARE WE TRY THIS ALL IN ONE MIND AND ONE ACCORD.

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