Saturday, December 3, 2016


It is the Holy Spirit that gives Christians the insight they need to understand what God is saying to them in the Bible(the Holy Scriptures).Before studying the Word,we must first pray and get God to reveal things to us we are reading.The natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit,he thinks they are foolish.When we are born again we receive the Bible says,the mind of Christ.People often these days like to say we cannot not judge them.We can not. That is correct.But...we can judge all things through discernment.Situations call for us to judge them,which is discernment.Please read 1st Corinthians chapter 2:verses 14,15,and 16. Please as you walk day by day,regard what God thinks about things. It is written in His word.Talk to Him.He is waiting to hear from you.My prayer for those who cannot understand,is that you first be drawn to Christ,through the repentance of your sins.Ask God to forgive you,then repent of your sinful ways.God will show you those ways if you honestly want to know them.Then He will begin to reveal the words written in this book(the bible).Its an awesome for all eternity!!! Let me leave you with these words. "FOR WHO HATH KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD,THAT HE MAY INSTRUCT HIM? BUT WE HAVE THE MIND OF CHRIST"AMEN. Lord...draw all those that do not you,that they will be saved.AMEN>

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