Thursday, December 8, 2016


There are men called of God to preach on the issues of the hour and we need their ministry.But for permanent strengthening of the church,we also need preachers who will dig again the old wells and lead us intelligently down the old paths and who,renouncing cheap pulpit rhetoric,will focus the white light of revelation on the human heart and examine us in that light.In short ,today we need preaching that appeals to the conscience,penetrating preaching,clinical preaching,preaching that moves men to cry,"MEN AND BRETHREN,WHAT SHALL WE DO? This was a taken from the short bio of John Henry Newman.From the book 50 people every Christian should know.I find this an odd story,because it crosses most evangelical thinkers opinions of what a godly man should be. The fact that brother Henry departed his evangelical beginnings and started drifting toward the church of Rome.(This requires much more study of his life.)This man preached over one thousand sermons.Wrote volumes of books.This man preached more of how to reach into a mans conscience than he did the gospel.Interesting.It seemS he was not interested in the zeal and doctrine.Seems today we may have lost our zeal for the full council of God.(just a thought)Words without reality was something he hated with a Holy Zeal.Just religious words.Newman wanted to elevate WORSHIP in the church. Something the late brother Ravenhill i personally heard preach.Anyway something to dig more into,because it seems to be needed in church today more than ever.A man named R.W CHURCH ONCE SAID "The evangelical churches were respectable and popular with men but "they were on very easy terms with the world" Examine our churches today. Are we on easy terms with the world? Lacking true Spiritual power,and Christian character? Maybe church discipline is in order. Remove all hindrances from our studies,and services? Hmmm...The word of God preached and more serious worship of the one Holy Father.Our Heavenly Father.Through His Son Jesus Christ.My Prayer: Father help us be more respectful of all our church gatherings.The church service is to worship you and not ourselves.Its a battleground not a playground.Amen!

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