Monday, October 21, 2019

God's purpose.

For I will not contend forever, neither will I be angry always, for if i did stay angry the spirit of man would faint and be consumed before Me, and My purpose in creating the souls of men would be frustrated. ISAIAH CHAPTER 57: VERSE 16.  God purposed us to be in fellowship with Him. Made in His image. The image of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. On the way there....we decided we would part company with Them, and do our own thing. As if we had a better plan. Do you think you have a better plan? How's that working out for you? Let's see...death, pain, financial distress. The feelings of never having enough. Divorce, family members hating and fighting. Other men taking our wives, and other wives taking our men. Mean spirited world figures, destroying nations....etc and the list is endless. Yet through it all, The Heavenly Father, through Christ and the work of the Holy Ghost has boundless ever lasting mercy. If He did not have so much mercy, mankind and all of earth would be destroyed in a flash....right before God's eyes. That would be everything living. Men women and children, animals, plant life, the earthly sphere itself. That would not dismiss hell. Punishment for disobedience to The Trinity itself. Think on it. Turn to Christ while you have time. You do not know when your time runs out.None of us do. God will get tired at some point with our sin and disrespect for Him. Read this verse again and again. Realize that while we have important things to do everyday, we must regard our true Heavenly Father and His love for us. And His judgment on our iniquity. Amen....and God speed.

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