Have u ever heard that statement. At that point. Well this time I'm glad I am. This time I find myself asking and desiring the lord to place in me a pure heart,and a heart that loves My Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ more than anything in this World. No idolatry. Merry Christmas to everyone and a happy New Year.
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Minds that are darkened.
It is time once again to worship celebrate the birth a Jesus Christ. The Gospels teach a very powerful message about Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist, and Mary the mother of Christ. I should say the Christ. How afraid the Shepherds were when the angel of the Lord came and appeared unto them, the story of all the host of angels in heaven praising God at the birth of the Savior. Yet this is not but just a stopping off point for me, because my main topic was about the noetic affect of sin on human life. Adam and Eve's sin darkened the spirit of Adam and Eve, and from then on every human being born. The Apostle Paul made a statement concerning the minds of pagan people. That is to say those who do not follow Christ those who he is not their lord. He said since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind otherwise known as a reprobate mind. In order to do what ought not be done oh, you can read that in the Book of Romans the first chapter and the 28th verse Paul told the Corinthians in 2nd Corinthians 4:4 that the God of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the Gospel all of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. My goodness are you spiritually blind tonight? Are you living a life bragging about it. Homosexuality adultery fornication, being a thief thinking it's alright to steal ,that the person the company you work for or whoever has plenty of money and O's you. Paul said in 2nd Corinthians that the God of this age oh, he's speaking of Satan, has blinded your eyes. Do you want your eyes to be blind do you want to walk through life even entertaining the thought that the way your thinking is so against the way of God, that it's got you spiritually blind and dead. I know God is all-knowing, I know that he knew from the beginning of time and ordained it as to who would be called who he would seek after and who would hear and accept him and follow him and make him their lord. But I cannot take the chance because I'm not all-knowing, and assume that your a follower a Christ. Think of this, Satan himself and his fallen angels all are very knowledgeable of the scripture and they actually know Jesus Christ my Lord. Yet so many millions reject Him. Those that are blinded by Satan..the god of this world, cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of God. Oh I pray for all of those. The almighty Lord knows who you are. I pray it is not too late for you, this is an urgent matter that cannot be delayed not another day not another year or month or even another second. Get on your knees Wherever You Are in private, and beg God for forgiveness please. For those that reject the gospel of Christ it's going to be a horrible horrible end. The Lord knows what you are in need of, this is not to glorify any of us but for the glory of the Almighty. The Lord is the Potter I Am The Clay, I don't care how healthy he has made me in my life or how wealthy, it all came from him everything good that ever occurred that has come to pass in life has come from above. I love you all may God forgive you and be with you forever and you with him.Amen.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
What it takes.
Many in American culture, and from what I have observed of other nations or culture, seem to have invented there own means of salvation. I'm speaking of course to the subject that concerns our souls. Unfortunately many wish to bypass Jesus Christ. Many refute what the Bible says and or hate to even hear that term mentioned. The Bible alone has the message of salvation. In view I've God's General revelation, all men are without excuse you can see that in Romans 1:20 for all who sin apart from the written law will also perish apart from the law Romans chapter 2 verse 12 General Revelation is sufficient ground for men's condemnation, however, it is not sufficient for salvation. One can tell how the heavens go by studying General revelation, but he cannot discover from it how to go to heaven, quote there is no other name under Heaven except Christ name given to men by which we must be saved Acts 4:12 in order to be saved people must confess Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts that God has raised him from the dead Romans 10:9 but they cannot call upon someone of whom they have not heard and how can they hear without someone preaching to them Romans 10:14 does preaching the gospel and all the world is the Christians Great Commission you can find that in Matthew chapter 28 verses 18 through 20. So let me add, this is indeed what the word of God, the Bible, says. Please take this short message to Heart. If you rejected you reject Christ. If you reject Christ the outcome is severe. When we die one of two places we go. Either Heaven or Hell. I love you all goodnight sweet dreams and Godspeed.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Only Once.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Appropriate Retribution
Friday, August 27, 2021
My deepest desire.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Get ready.
Monday, August 9, 2021
Take care.
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Ignore God?
Early this morning, I noticed in the book of Hosea, where it is talking about God's judgments against Israel in the Old Testament. Beginning with chapter 4 verse 6 of Hosea, my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou Hast rejected knowledge oh, I will also reject thee that thou shalt be no priest to me seeing thou Hast forgotten the law of thy God I will also forget thy children. And as they were increased meaning prospered, therefore will I change their Glory into shame. In verse 8 it shows us that the people of Israel loved their sin especially while they were prospering. Seems to me that is an issue in every nation and especially America in the 21st century. Verse 8 says they eat up the sin of my people and they set their heart on their iniquity. Now I'm not trying to make this scripture fit anything. I'm just saying that it teaches us what our heavenly Father thinks of anyone or any Nation that continues to reject him even after he has allowed them to prosper. It is a clear judgment. So think on these things. I am speaking of someone that has been my heavenly father all my life, but my redeemer since 1965. My testimony today is my heart will not allow me to ignore my Lord anymore. I love that Christ has changed that issue in my heart. You can join me and make him your Redeemer. Because he died on that cross For All Mankind, took on our sins when we weren't even in existence at the time he perished on the cross. Mankind cannot destroy God even if he tries. Why don't you say a prayer Jesus Christ just save you from your sins but when you do you must serious about hating your sin not loving it. Whether you believe it or not this is what will determine where your soul will spend forever in eternity please do not reject him by ignoring him. Time is precious. Now let me put a little footnote here, the Lord was speaking about the priest and how they were leading his children. This is or could be considered a warning two pastors teachers Deacon's in the house of God today. Take this very serious. Amen
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Body of death.
Okay...who can deliver me when I know
that I am a wretched man in my fleshly body? How about I'm not just a wretched Man in my flesh but in my spirit as well. Well since I know why I read this who delivered me and who still delivers me every day of my life.... I'm speaking of the book of Romans chapter 7 verses 24 and 25. Let me say this, verse 25 says it is He. Jesus Christ himself. It is urgent when you meet me or anyone who is down and out and you know what I mean, you must call on Jesus for your help and your deliverance. But you also have to be like the man in verse 24 you must realize that your wretched then approach the throne of God and ask for deliverance from your sins. Then you realize the man in verse 25. That being yourself and being introduced she's the only one that can deliver you. Remember this nobody likes to be down and out and everybody wants to be delivered , but not everybody wants to give up their sins and follow Christ.I believe it takes more than just asking Christ to come into your heart. You must allow him to change the way you think the way you live and even the way you speak. Amen.
Friday, July 2, 2021
Mercy.Pray for it,beg for it.
Paul the apostle, reminds us of the control God himself has over the most needed need we humans have. Romans chapter 9: verse 15.
For the Lord said to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion or pity on whom I will have compassion you can check that out in Exodus chapter 33 verse 19. My reason for bringing this up is Mercy is what everyone in the human race needs right off the bat. If you're out there and you find yourself in a situation that calls you to look up and ask for help, remember the word is Mercy. Without it you will get nowhere. Do not try to fool God, that's impossible to do. He is a heart reader. If you're not going to be serious with the Lord and follow and serve his son Jesus Christ then you're in for trouble. You cannot play the part of a Christian, nor ignore Jesus Christ on a daily minute-by-minute basis and expect any relief. But the Lord says he has Mercy on who he has Mercy. It's his decision. We need to stop going through our lives living 99.9% for ourselves, and not praise God for all the mercies he has shown us. The Lord continuously shows me different times in my life when he showed mercy on me. Were it not for that Mercy I would have been dead many years ago. We must have a right relationship with the almighty God. Jesus Christ made it perfectly clear and if you want to get to the father you have to come through Christ.don't watch too much TV listen to too much news not even your leaders in your countries. They will tell you there are many ways to God and I'm telling you Jesus said there is only one way and that's through him. Get that through your head in your heart pick that Holy Bible up start studying it. The old testament is great but the New testament is exactly what it says it is a new testament Jesus Christ birth death and Resurrection have put us all under a new covenant. You cannot neither can I follow all the ten commandments perfectly and Jesus knew that heavenly father knows it, therefore the New covenant or new testament The testament is to what was accomplished when Christ died on the cross and was resurrected. You say you heard this before? Well that's okay a my prayer for you is is that you start understanding it at the Holy Spirit speaks to each and every one of yours hearts. Starting now Amen.
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Sin in the garden to exactly as it were in the days of Noah. Congratulations. Killings and homosexuality are rampant. The one country that was founded upon judeo-christian values, is who I'm talkin about. In my very quick 6 and 1/2 + 3 decades my nation has spun completely around from the way it was founded. Our leaders in government do not even care what is happening. They actually encourage it. Sin has become dominant in our culture. our schools are beginning to teach our children that its okay.
In the sixth chapter of the book of Genesis beginning with verse 5.... And the God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the Earth and that every imagination of thoughts all of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart. In verse 7 the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the Earth both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air for it repenteth me that I ever have made them...Brought to you by the Kings James version of the Bible. And let me make this brief statement ,I have already mentioned this in earlier paragraphs if God felt this way about mankind before the flood imagine what he feels like now. You see now he has sent his son to die on the cross be ,beaten and tortured, nailed to a cross died then rose again so we can be redeemed back to him. Yet man continues in every way 2 do evil think evil speak know evil ...! Now we have the mercy of a savior and still the majority of men and women refuse to honor him love him and worship him. I know everybody knows this, but one day soon there will be an accountability for all of this, and we need to be reminded. If you love someone, truly love someone, you will find a way to warn them. I have no hate in my heart but I fear for those who do not take this serious, those that love the sins they commit better than they love the idea of avoiding hell
Can you actually afford to pretend you did not believe? I think not. Amen so be it.
Monday, May 10, 2021
Love, knowledge, talking,reasoning.
Morning. Our knowledge is fragmentary. So is our teaching. Love never fails. Our prophecy will be fulfilled and pass away. As for speaking in tongues,they will be destroyed and pass away. Knowledge will lose its value and be superseded by truth. But when the complete and perfect (total) comes, the incomplete and perfect will vanish away. It will be antiquated, void, and superceded. 1st Corinthians chapter 13 vss 8-10.
Then let's look at verse 11. This is a verse that was quoted to me often, as I became a young adult. Here it is. When I was a child; I reasoned like I was a child; now that I have become a man, I am done with childish ways and have put them aside. Remember....when we see Jesus, our imperfect will put on perfection. Also let me remind you. All are God's creation, but a few are His children. Amen.
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
All the while.
My prayer today, is please come quickly Lord Jesus. Once Jesus performed a miracle, then slipped into the crowd unnoticed, and the healed man didn't even notice who He was. All the while evil doing Jesus haters searched for the healer. What had been accomplished was done on the Sabbath. Later Jesus found the healed man in the temple. Christ said "see you are well". Now Jesus said "Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you". At this point the man told the Jews looking to kill Jesus, that it was in fact Christ that had healed him. Theses Jews began to torment and annoy Jesus. Jesus told these men that the Father has not ceased to work, and He (Jesus) continue to do divine work. This is all found in the book of St. John chapter 5. This is a wonderful testimony, the entire 5th chapter, of healing, evil doers who hate Jesus, and Christ relationship with the Heavenly Father.Wow!
People, this is just one example of what awaits us after we pass from death unto life. How can anyone prefer the Sin that separates from The Father and Son and Holy Ghost? If all who have perished could speak to you now, they would resoundingly tell you don't waste another second. Come to Christ wholeheartedly holding nothing back right now. No need for me to say too much, because the power of God does not rest in my words. But in his Son Jesus. The most important things we can accomplish while walking on this planet will fade in the sight of eternity. Read the entire chapter 5 of The book of John. Read about the angel of the Lord going down at appointed seasons into the pool and stirred the water. The first to step in was cured of whatever disease with which he was afflicted. Follow Christ, give him your life, He will stir the waters of your life. Amen So be it.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Personal Repentance.
The minor Prophets book ZECHARIAH chapter12: vss 10 . This is what true repentance looks like. And I will pour out upon the House of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of Grace and of supplications and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced and shall mourn for him as one morning for his only son. I will stop right there until you did if the holy Spirit speaks to your heart about your sin your response would be as if you mourned after your own son your only son or your only child if they passed away or were harmed in any way. Wow if you read through verse 14 you will see how widespread the prediction all of remorse by Israel. Now the scripture specifically mentions Jerusalem here this is a future prophetic prediction and this would be the Lord speaking through Zechariah.The book of Zechariah speaks of both the coming of the Messiah, the first time and the second time. The ministry of Zachariah overlapped haggai, they both had a ministry of encouragement. You might say well you mentioned remorse and repentance. I did, but looking back on my own salvation many years ago and watching others that the holy Spirit has touched and led them to Christ, it's impossible not to know met along with this remorse for what my sin caused my God to have to go through in order to redeem me, also I noticed that after my remorse and I receive my salvation, much joy comes, and that my friend is what the entire New testament teaches about the Christian Life even though there comes much persecution. The connection is very powerful. First comes Grace then mercy all of this after repentance. And I will say again God does not play there's no halfway, it's all the way, which is what true repentance does to us and for us. Although I continued to have much pain, whether it be physical or spiritual, there is a comfort unlike any thing I have ever experienced and ever do experience. This is encouragement on like anything man can do. I know people personally that are constantly battling emotional issues. And because they do not have the piece of the love of God the love of Christ in their hearts, they cannot seem to ever be satisfied. I as a Christian still have to battle after the other exactly like someone who rejects Christ. But the difference is that the Holy Spirit puts into the soul of a man who follows Christ, a level of encouragement extremely hard to explain. You can go to the first few books, excuse me, the first few chapters of the book of Acts and when you get to the part, I believe it's chapter 4 of Acts and you read about Stephen a devout man of God, where he was jailed for preaching the gospel. Falsely accused of saying things that he did not say. But read his response when he was called before the Sanhedrin. And of course they stoned him, and notice what happened during his stoning and who all was there. What I mentioned in Zachariah and of course in the book of haggai, the predictions of the first and second coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ. And some of the things that would occur surrounding those events. God will judge, should I say his only begotten son Jesus Christ has been given the power and authority to be our judge God bless you, and go all the way with Jesus understanding who God is. I'm afraid in our cultures today we've turned Jesus into something he is not. Until next time amen.So be it.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
History ALWAYS repeats itself?
In some cases for sure it does. In biblical Israel it did and still does. The same patterns. When confronted with God's message so many people do not understand.They refuse to live as God?'s message request. When God sent or sends a messenger, people refuse to listen. Human nature so many declare exist.... rebellious, ungrateful, foolish. God Remains the Same. The God who spoke to Moses was the same God who had spoken to his ancestors. This God hears when people are troubled he comes to deliver he leads his people from Death To Life he surrenders to their own desires those who willfully reject him. Such as our great God he is merciful powerful and holy he is always the same whatever happens. When Steven in the book of Acts was preaching to his accusers these words are a warning not to trifle with God. It's also an assurance that every promise of God stands firm forever .. footnote: some of the words written here are taken from a commentary. The words were reflecting the issues that The Devout man named Stephen were used to defend the gospel to his accusers. Amen..
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Issues to pray about.
Does anyone actually care.
Marriages and if your in one (traditional) you must be loyal,faithful,and remain trustworthy.
The pain you all are in.People who are homeless.Our nation and our local state and federal governments. Our children grand and great grand children. Jobs for all that need them or desire them.Pray for forgiveness because so many are angered, and hurt each other. Pray we love our neighbors as ourselves...even if our neighbors are crazy. You pray to God the only God..in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Stephens last sermon.
After he was seized, he was full of the holy Ghost. He stood before the high priest, and being full of the Holy Ghost, was asked were the things he was accused of true. Man what a message the Holy Ghost gave him. ACTS CHAPTER 7. The Holy Ghost explained how the Jews had refused all the prophets and the message. How they had murdered the prophets. How when the Son of God came the did not accept him, and murdered Him as well. The short of this is that in today's world, Born from above people are being slaughtered as well. In America we are being targeted more than ever before. Speak out against sin and corruption and watch the evil come against you. But we must. Do not fear,do not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ our redeemer. Christ is not one of a number of Gods, or prophets, He is not one of many ways to heaven, He is the only begotten son of God, and the ONLY way to heaven. Amen.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Falsely accused???
Monday, February 22, 2021
7 chosen men.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
The Holy Ghost draws
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us, for we have had more than enough of contempt. Our soul has had more than enough of the scorn of those who are at ease, of the contempt of the proud. Isn't this a terrible shape that our wonderful nation of the United States of America is in at this point. Do we really believe are any of the self-appointed leaders of our great nation, are going to escape God's judgement? At least 75 to 80 million voters in America and had enough of the contempt of the proud. Our eyes must look to the Lord our God. Psalm 123 begins with the words to you I lift up my eyes oh you who are in throne in the heavens! Behold as the eyes of servants look to the end of their master, as the eyes of a maidservant to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God till he has mercy upon us. America is in Dire Straits,torn between those who do not regard God's laws or the wishes and desires of godly people. If we confess our sins....killing over 60 million babies since Roe vs Wade. Homosexuality and transgendered people etc.....God will hear from heaven and heal our land. It starts in your homes and reaches sea to sea. Forgive us oh Lord...in Christ name Amen .