Thursday, January 29, 2015

Good morning from the united states of america.As most know ,opinions are flying around everywhere.Politicians are elected to listen to the people. Arrogance is just not acceptable.Case in point,Chuck Grassley of iowa,taking questions from the public. This nominee for attorney general to replace erick holder,simply would not answer simple questions. She claimed ignorance.Now you folks whop want to make this race,should be ashamed of yourself.The color of ANYONE'S skin does not nor should not determine the outcome. I must say neither does who a human being sleeps with.So lets dump this phoney gay rights agenda,and leave it out of governing. Next thing you know we will be including the sex lives of beast.The lower standards and values of the people have infiltrated our government.In short......americas morals have declined to an alarming postion. Yesterday,a program on C-span discussing the front part of the teenage brain.WOW! Explains why so many school age kids can not make sound reasonable discisions.According to the scientific study,they are just not ready mentaly to properly tackle very complex human issues in a wise way. I did not say that,the scientist did. WOW! The thing that stands out to me is.....this is why voting,as precious as it is,should not be given to kids under 28 yrs of age.While i am at it,this explains why parents are so critical with what they teach their children.Prayer in Jesus name along with no bible reading in schools allows kids to rise up in life believeing there is no God. No God,no they think.For more than 150 years in our country,bible study and prayer were a very big part of our school systems. I cannot believe how people who think they are so smart......are not smart at all. If they were,they would see the terrible way our population has turned!!! It starts at home. Teach your kids the bible,and prayer to the God of the bible.Then when an infidel teacher tells them their parents are wrong,go to the school authority's and demand they stop that atheist teaching.It's as easy as opening our mouths and speaking to the evil.

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