Thursday, January 29, 2015

Who are ye?

Tonight.....who are you? Who do you wish to be? Or who do you desire to be? Some want to be rich,some popular,some politicians...Presidents,world travelers,or maybe just a good person who helps others.So what have you done to acheive what you desire? Have you a passion for becoming something.Most of the time we expect examples from history books about past famous people. Well i have something to say about that.(surprise) Saul of tarsus,killer of christians,but very educated and a member of the sanhedrin court,then had a damascus road head to head meeting with the lord himself.(converted) Then on one occasion he was wrought special miracles by God,healing people ,and evil spirits left these people. Then some exercist watching decided to try it themselves. They called out the evil spirits in the name of the jesus that paul knew.about ten men did this. And bingo!!!!!!!The evil spirit answered and said" Jesus i know,and Paul i know, but who are ye??? Does satan know who you are? What about his angels,evil spirits??? Do the people you hang with know you. How do they know the real you?The book of acts chapter 19 verses 11 through 15.

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