Saturday, October 3, 2015


Behold ,I shew you a mystery;We shall not all sleep,but we shall all be changed, In a moment,in the twinkling of an eye,at the last trump:for the trumpet shall sound,and the dead shall be raised incorruptible,and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption,and and this mortal must put on immortality.(1st Corinthians chapter 15:verses 51,52,and 53.) In this passage it is clear that all believers will not die.It explains exactly what is to happen to many believers and exactly how it is to happen.I have to tell you it will be a glorious day when this occurs.I personally have known many who have perished over my life time,that were believers.Yes i miss them,and i am looking very much forward to seeing them again.Their life is over here on this earth but mine still remains.So i must share Gods plan of salvation to as many as i can,the best way i know how.I also wish to encourage as many believers as i can as well.I wish to thank my Pastor,our church choir,our Sunday School teachers,our special singers. Every single person that works at our church to assure me that Gods people go on. I've seen things get tight,and i have also witnessed members step up and keep things going during those brief times. Once we were without a piano player for a Sunday,and i personally was concerned and figured that we would sing without instruments. To my surprise,there was a lady playing that morning,and a gentlemen that night,and they both did marvelous.I found out how they got there. An elderly lady,who raised 3 or 4 wonderful Christian kids,who is front and center working different jobs for our little church had stepped up and taken care of that issue. God bless her.Then on another occasion our Pastor was very very sick,was absent from Sunday service.I did not know this until announcements were made that another elderly member was gonna preach both services. I thought oh my.Guess what,that man was at one time the pastor at our church(before i became a member) years ago. He also had filled in over the years as pastor a few times. I know...whats my point and what does it have to do with 1st Corinthians chapter 15:verses 51,52,53? By the way both theses people i mentioned are in their 80's. Attend church every time their is a function. IT'S relevance? These Godly people,raised christian children,sent them out into our world,they love Jesus,and one day i will be able to live in Glory(heaven)with these faithful people. And millions like them. FYI: I wasn't sure where the Lord wanted me to go with this but now i know. Watching them makes me so ashamed of the wasted years of my life.

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