Friday, April 3, 2015

Whats wrong with America.Get right with God.

WHAT I TELL YOU IN DARKNESS,THAT SPEAK YE IN LIGHT:AND WHAT YE HEAR IN THE EAR,THAT YE PREACH UPON THE HOUSETOP.AND FEAR NOT THEM THAT KILL THE BODY,BUT ARE NOT ABLE TO KILL THE SOUL:BUT RATHER FEAR HIM WHICH IS ABLE TO DESTROY BOTH AND BODY IN HELL.(Matthew chapter 10:27,28.) When is the last time you heard that preached in a pulpit? Preach upon the housetops,and don't the Lord. In todays world no person wants to take responsibility for their actions or thoughts. They love their sin. Repent ye is not preached with Hell shattering determination anymore. People going to church want to FEEL good. Told oh how good a person they are and what there worldly potential is,and the preacher will shout repeat after him i am agreat person, i have great potential and God is gonna help me be all i can be. WOW. These type preachers never confront the fact that we are born into sin,and we must repent.A church that is afraid to preach repentance should be ignored.Preach the full council of God. Why? Because he is risen folks and he is not coming back on a cross. He is gonna bust the skys open and he will be crowned KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. He will judge every man according to the deeds done is his body. You bible scholars....while you spend all your time disecting God himself,try to return back to visit the simplicity of the Gospel.Repent,be born again,and be baptised to show the world you have given your life to Christ!

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