Friday, March 6, 2020

The life of peace and tranquility....???

In Matthew chapter 12 many things to learn about people. Jesus among the few that truly loved him.
Judas gets upset because expensive oil was used to annoit the feet of Jesus. Time is running out on Jesus. There are plots against his life, now there is a decree to arrest him and kill him. Wasted opportunity to worship Christ is seen. We even find that there is jealousy of Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead, and they are calling for his death. If this happened to the Son of God....then who do u think u are?
Two points....Your end is near, do not waste it on the desires of your flesh.
Also, do not think being a saved believer makes you immune from hatred and jealousy. Plots formed against you. People you think are your trustworthy loyal companions, saying they will never hurt you. Then they do. All because they see something in you they want, but cannot have. Do not think Jesus will always stop the deceit from happening, because He will not. He said himself, that they did it to him, they will do it to you. 2 points.
#1. Time is running out on you
#2. The Christian life requires some sacrifice. If u are never persecuted for Christ, then something's wrong.

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