Monday, August 5, 2019

What's good for your soul gives you peace.

Confession is good for the soul. Confessing to personal
uncleanness,admit our best deeds are as filthy rags.
Listen up,we are as fading leaves driven away by the wind of our own iniquities. Isaiah chapter 64. There is spiritual deadness in America as in Israel at this particular time in history.Notice there are no intercessors to be found. Why? Because the Lord has abandoned them to the consequences of thier sins. Listen, could it be God has turned from us because of our overwhelming Sin? Yep just like in this story, there may  be some redemption because the Lord is our Father. In this story there is a remnant of Gods people in Israel, left over since the day of severe punishment Could there be a remnant left of Christians of old. Children or granchildren of previous Godly founders just waiting for God to make a move?
Still hope the potter will do something with the clay. So we must plead with God to relax His anger. To forget and forgive our sins,and acknowledge us as still being His people.We are afflicted, a powerless church. All talk and no testing. Having a form of godliness yet denying Gods power.In verses 10-12 we see Israel was devastated,  especially Jerusalem and the temple. According to the scripture these are good reasons for God to release his anger and act decisively in behalf of his afflicted people. The sins of our nation or probably even worse than Israel's were. A nation like ours passing laws to kill unborn babies yet support the so-called rights of same-sex relationships and marriages. The Bible teaches that these things are an Abomination to God. Yet America keeps doing them while the eyes of the world look upon us. Even some pretending Christians go along with these laws and believe they're correct. How can that be? How can you read God's word and come to that conclusion? The sin against marriage. The marriage between a man and a woman clearly laid out in the Book of Genesis. Marriage that was instituted before the fall of Man. God considers it to be sacred and we are not 2 go back on our vows made between Him,man,and women.There are obviously Sins that God will judge right here on Earth in our lifetime. By defiling the marriage bed between a husband and a wife, we bring into that bed fornication and of course adultery. The book of Hebrews chapter 13 clearly states that the adulterer and the fornicator God will judge. Look at our nation 1 out of every two marriages end in divorce. What do most of these people do? I tell you they get another mate. They commit fornication with him or her then they claim to be in love with them and then they marry them. Furthermore if one of the persons in the relationship does not wish to be out of the relationship, if that person down the road gets another bedmate, then the mate that did not wish to be divorced is forced to commit adultery as well I tell you from experience that that's the way it occurs. If there were children involved then everyone's life becomes soupy. I also tell you that that God says we all shall be judged. Right here in our lifetime. Ex husband's ex wives children involved on both sides, marriage remarriage, what a mess. And no it does not run smoothly. Yet couples tend to continue to believe their way is correct and God's way if there is a God they say , is wrong. Let me tell you the pain coming from this type of living never leaves you. Millions lie in their beds at night with their new lovers but go to bed thinking about their previous mate. Where are they , who are they with ,wonder how they're doing? Now you know I'm telling the truth it's a hard truth. But I've also lived that experience. I've had previous mates married or not married contact me 30 to 40 years or longer later expressing horrible remorse for what they did 40 45 years earlier. Panting
Hinting heavily of the desire for me to return. Oh my goodness, which makes me think of the old saying quote Oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive. If anyone reading this has a new lover ,they have an abandoned a mate that they were married to, then repent and go home if that is possible. If you have not entangled yourself in a new marriage. Release your torture of your own heart and brain. Then the Lord will see your repentance and you turn to him and he will make your marriage strong and he will bless you and turn his back on his own wrath. Then in America if enough people do this we will see God's blessing back on this nation. And his protection just like an Isaiah chapter 64. if you look further on,you see where God pleads tirelessly with a people who give themselves over to abominable things associated with idolatry and hedonism. When we live a holier-than-thou ,we know better than God life concerning these matters . they are a continual irritation to the most high. The Bible teaches us that he will repay them for all their idolatry and sin. He did this to Israel and Isaiah's day and I promise you he will do that now. Please run from your misery while you can. Stop defying our Holy God. I pray for all those in this state of mind at this time. That you will repent and spare yourselves this agony. Do not listen to any others wether family or friend.
Your family or friends are complicit in this crime against  Gods holy dictates. He's not trying to show meanness he just knows how he made us and he knows what is best for us. Love you all.  Think me not to be a judge. It should be clear in this scripture and in
 other scriptures in the Holy Bible, that it is God almighty that is and will be the judge. God bless you.

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