Thursday, March 5, 2015

Have You Ever?

Have you tried to talk to someone about a serious issue and as you looked and listened to them they have nothing but nonsense spewing from their mouths and silly grins on their faces??? You obviously get nowhere with them. Well it seems that what they are doing is more important than what we are trying to say to them.Now i can give you an example so we can be more attentive in the future. His name just came to my mind as i was writing. PAUL BEGALA,he worked for the Clinton Whitehouse. He is very articulate and outspoken,even to this day about the Clintons.Always smiling as he protects the Clintons and trys to be funny about very serious matters by popping off cute remarks. Nothing personal,just happened to think of him.Anyway there are many people like that. PROVERBS CHAPTER 24:VERSE 7 THRU 9.Explains where this comes from,and it is both a warning and wise instruction.Men come and go,attitudes come and go,nations come and go,everything comes then its gone...including foolishness of any single person. But God's inspired word never ever changes. Be not deceived....when someone acts like that....they are not a friend,and God said for us not to faint when any adversity comes.God Bless.

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