Thursday, March 26, 2015

Unholy Philosophy.

A person does not have to be educated to pick up on the attitudes of graduates or attendees of most secular colleges today.They spew hatred and distatin for anything christian,or Republican.If i am wrong,ya just have to follow the news,talk to the average college graduate,why it's all over social media and even on the movies that are on our television.Television like so many things that older folks in my day said it would be is nothing but propaganda.My goodness gracious....evn someone from the past had the insight to see it coming. The philosophy of the school room will be the philosophy of government in the next.(ABE LINCOLN.) He then said....."Sir,my concern is not whether God is on our side;my greatest concern is to be on God's side,for God is always right.(ABRAHAM LINCOLN.) One of the greatest Presidential leaders of Americas history would be attacked constantly in todays world.For his stance on School philosophy to the issue of God Almighty.Wake up america.If it's not already to late. FOOTNOTE:college attitudes does not include every single soul...just Professors and most students they teach their unholy philosophy.

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