Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Lies about History.Or better yet deviation from the truth. If the 2012 stats are correct there are over 82 percent of the american Population under the age of 60. This means that we have had 50 years of liberal think tanks spewing lies about american History all over the tube.(TV.) 2 of the most popular ones are the ones concerning the views of 2 very well known politicians.#1 Abraham Lincoln # 2 Gov.George Wallace. Regardless of which way we come down on this History or its results,i have discovered a couple of things i was never told. The first was Abe Lincoln and the congress he dealt with,just prior to he was killed. Lincoln and Congress both agreed slavery must be abolished.But they were in agreement that to intergrate slaves into white society was not a good idea.At the time of his death the idea of a colony of its own was being investigated.Of course John Wilkes booth ended that idea.Thats a clear example of how overreacting can change the course of History.It was reported that 450 slaves sent to Haiti as a trial run,fell flat and was a disaster.But congress and the president kept the option open.The President had just been re-elected to a SECOND TERM. This ...upon being revealed to the black community of today has changed many opinions of the slave emancipator. The other issue is the 50 year bashing of George Wallace as a black hater,when in fact he was just another politician following the wish of millions of people.He actually was much more liberal than Lincoln. And Wallace was a democrat. Wow. Wallace believed in separate but equal. Wallace only became angry when the central government,(as he would say) stuck their noses in his states business.He then sited many news worthy incidents in northern states,worse than what occurred in Alabama.He was correct.An objective person today would only need to point at the black white issues nation wide getting worse.These are not my facts...they are well documented,and i find it amazing.Some northern states had slaves as well,and many people in the north did not want war with the south.Ive been around both black and white haters....and they make me very uncomfortable. I think most people today just wish to try to get along. It is what it is now. We must not allow hate because of color from either side of this issue . I believe that the issue is actually a cultural difference. I believe this was Abe lincolns issue with intergretion.George Wallace on the other hand was dealing with the issues of intergretion of his time.The big difference is was Television was around in the 1960's but not in the 1860's.George wallace had the same human feelings people have today,all over the nation,and that is nobody wants outsiders riding thru their neighborhoods stirring up Wrath.While changes needed to be made,i question the wisdom behind the way things were handled. Apparently millions of people felt that same way,because in 1972 when Govenor Wallace was shot he was leading in the democratic primary polls.Screaming out on Tv. burning business down and killing cops is unacceptable in america today,and so are the screaming murderous chants against blacks acceptable.

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