Thursday, March 5, 2015

They could not get rid of them.

To continue talking about not trusting or being able to count on people in our lives or in our government...think on this. Clinton's,both of them,had an administration that lied ,covered up and took money from foreign governments,used the IRS. to ruin many good employees that worked in the government,just because they had no way to get rid of them.People who were friends of theirs went to jail rather than tell the truth of the clinton lawlessness in Arkansas. Now the type of lawlessness is important here.Lieing and covering up about so many issues is a very serious issue.I hear bad news about Bush going into Iraq,but i am not sure if his going was correct. It is very possible that WMD's were hidden in another country by Saddam,it would have been easy. The Desert is a big place,and as usual...we gave them way to many warnings about us coming.Think about it. President Obama pulled out completely and very quickly. The fact that Iran had so much of a foothold in Iraq'S GOVERNMENT. The united states should have removed any iranian backed leader from Iraq.Bush made a bad choice then Obama did even worse.Then stay very close to Israel and stamp out all terrorist. I believe the destruction of the Iranian Government is imperative at this time.Just as a reminder....In biblical days Iraq and Iran were one nation. PERSIA. They have hated Israel for thousands of years.Now that was the righteous war we should have been in.Now..the liberal,godless officials in americas government,and press need to know,the righteous will not be hushed up.History is pushing the people of america to make choices many wish would go away.The battle in america is mostly in words.Don't leave Israel out there by themselves.Lawless politicians have no respect for anyones lives but their own.Lets do not elect a known before hand crook.

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